Two more new campers

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Originally made: 7/20/15
Edited: 3/15/16

Hey! My friend Lily Stoops and Logan Cucuz are the new campers. Oh and Logan, if you ever read this, the Fangirl community we live in ships you and Katie I'm sorry if you don't like it, but kill lily not me!!


"ZOEEEE!!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP!" Nico was gently slapping my cheeks.
"Ok ok I'm up! What is it?"
"There is two new campers and Katie won't shut up!" I nod and get dressed. Katie was waiting out by the door with Leo, and you left Nico in our cabin because he'll come out in his own time. (Y/n) and Percy were already there, along with the other four of the prophecy. There was a very tan girl with black hair and brown eyes, and a blonde guy with brown eyes. I saw Katie blush at the dude.
"Has Katie fallen for the new kid?" Katie just turned even redder. I laugh.
"Hey it's ok I'll support it!" She gave me a crooked smile. I pushed her into the boy, and she turned beet red. She put her hand behind her back and flipped me off. I laugh and walk up to the girl.
"Hi! I'm Zoe Di Angelo, daughter of Hades." I stuck out my hand. She shook it.
"I'm Lily Stoops, daughter of I dunno yet..." She grinned. "Who's the guy?" Lily shrugged.
"He's a random guy that I met on the way here. He never even introduced himself..." I shrug.
"I'll talk to you later, ok? Me and," I pointed at Katie, "my friend Katie, the brunette, can show you around." She nodded and started to lean against the arch. I walked over to the boy. Katie walked over to Lily. So did (y/n) and Percy. Me and Leo were standing by the guy. He had a devilish smirk on his face.
"I'm Zoe Di Angelo, daughter of hades, and this is Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus." I pointed at Leo and held out my hand. The boy shook my hand then Valdez's.
"Logan Cucuz. The 'hyperactive' dude." I shrugged.
"KATIE!!! LETS GIVE THE DEMIGODS A TOUR!!!" Katie ran towards me. I heard Logan mutter something under his breath.
"She's loud." I looked at him.
"Thanks." He turned pale and me, Katie, and Leo set off with the new demigods behind us.

This is the Hermes cabin where you will both be stayi-" there was a bright flash above Logan's head. The sign of Hermes was above his head.
"ALL HAIL LOGAN CUCUZ SON OF HERMES!" Katie screamed and bowed. Me, Leo, and Lily stood there with our eyebrows cocked up.
"Really Katie?" She blushed and shrugged.
Oh my god. I ship them already. I ran over to Lily and Leo.
"Do you guys ship Katan yet? Another name for them is Lotie..." Both nodded really fast. I laughed. Then the sign of Apollo appeared over Lily's head.
"Your a daughter of Apollo Lily! Congrats!" I hugged lily and pointed to the Apollo cabin. Then the conch signaling dinner rang.
"Dinner!" Katie yelled and ran to the food pavilion. But before she could bolt, Logan put a hand on her shoulder.
"Katie... Would you like to hang out sometime soon?" Katie and Logan's faces both became red. All Katie could do was nod enthusiastically and then they both ran.
"My ship is canon!" Leo squealed and we ran to the pavilion.

Leo was waiting for me at our tree in camp. We always sneak out of the pavilion so we can eat in peace. And keep each other company. It gets lonely at the Hades cabin! I sat down next to Leo.
"Got anything good?" I looked at his plate full of tacos.
"Yeah have a taco!" Leo smiled and handed you a taco. You took a bite out of it. It was good!
"Yum! Here have a blue pancake." Even if I wasn't a daughter of Poseidon, I like blue food. Leo took one and ate it. We sat there talking all night. It was peaceful.

Hey guys!

Me: hi Leo! Exited to answer some questions? We have three for you today!

Leo: YES!!!

Me: *laughs* ok Leo, my brother asks: Leo, would Zoe punch you in the face if you ripped her very old blue blanket that was her moms when she was little? Because she punched me today.

Leo: oh dear god yes she would. And you probably deserved it.

Me: yeah. I punched him. My friend Isabelle asks, Leo do you watch anime?

Leo: no... Not really.

Me: ok final question! My conscience asks, Leo, how frequently do you catch on fire looking/thinking about me?

Leo: *nose catches on fire* quite frequently, Zoe's conscience.

Me: that was all for today! I will see you all in the next chapter!

Leo: bye!

~Zoe Di Angelo

I am dying. *sigh* I am disappointed in myself. XD

~future ZoeHerondale17

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