
748 15 3

Originally made: 7/19/15
Edited: 3/15/16

You had went to the demigod hardware store, /remember this? Lol/ and had picked up about 20 balloons. And you had plans.

You had blown up 2 balloons, and you rubbed both on a sleeping Percy's head. He didn't wake, then you grabbed a needle. And the balloon popped. Percy's arms flailed and he got twisted in the covers. You giggled, and started running.
"(Y/N) GET BACK HERE!!!" You kept running. On the way, you saw Leo flirting with Zoe and you heard Piper screaming,
"ZEO DI VALDEZ I SHIP IT I SHIP IT!!!" /thanks @DisNerdGirl I needed a ship name... :) / you rolled your eyes and shoved a balloon in each's hand.
"Attack Percy!" They inflated the balloons and got ready to attack. When Percy appeared, his hair sticking in every direction possible, we attacked.
"Die!" You kept hitting him with a balloon. He smirked, and picked you up bridal style.
"Hey! Let me go!"
"GET SOME!!!" You heard Leo yelled and you felt yourself laugh. Percy started running for the sword arena. You were squirming. Zoe was following with a stream of balloons behind here. When Percy stopped, dropped you, and he got attacked. He popped all of the balloons.
"Oh hey! Uh, I'll be going now..." Then she stalked away giving Percy a glare. He shrugged.
"Thanks for the nice wake-up." He nudged you. You pecked his cheeks and hung out with him for the rest of the day.

Hey guys! I can feel the writers block creeping up on me. But thanks @DisNerdGirl for the ship name! I don't have one and I'm horrible at making them. Ask Leo time!!!

Me: hey Leo! How've you been?

Leo: GREAT!!

Me: good! Ok. @DisNerdGirl asks, do you ship Zeo Di Valdez?

Leo: yes! Why wouldn't I? I'm the intimate fanboy!

Me: *grins* ok, we sadly only have two questions today. My friend Isabelle asks, is Leo badass?


Me: that's all for now!

Leo: bye!

So ya. Um, should I make a Zeo Di Valdez chapter? If so, comment below!

~Zoe Di Angelo

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