Fight's And Messages

Start from the beginning

Audrey's POV

Angie and I had just come from our shopping and were in the living room watching Four weddings. It was our 5th choice. 

"I bet the hollywood themed wedding will win." Angie said as she took some popcorn that we made.

"Same." I agreed. "No effence to the other brides."

We both laughed then my phone buzzed. "I have a message." I announced.

"From who?"

"I don't know."

"Let me see the number."

I showed her the caller id. "It's Yazmine." she said when she saw the number.

Hey, You so should have seen the big fight between Princeton and the Leo guy. You'll never guess why they were fighting LOL LOL. XOXO Yaz.

"What does she mean by that?" Angie asked when I realised she was still looking at my phone.

"I have no-"

4 more messages just appeared.

Who are you dating? Princeton or Leo. xo Lo

Where was this coming from.

First day and everybody knows who you are! Awesome for you :D Tyler

How did everyone know who I was?

Princeton and Leo got detention for 2 weeks over the fight. You're a super girl seriously :D TJ

Why did I need to know about that fight? Why was I a super girl?

Hey, so I fought the life out of Leo just for you so do you want to meet up?

who was that 1 from? PRINCETON!!!!! 

How did he get my number? I only gave my number to Leo, Lo, TJ, Tyler and Angie already had it. Ugh, what does he want from me this time.

"Who is that last one......." Angie asked "Wait thats Princeton! When did you give him your number?"

"I didn't give it to him." I responded thinking of a way he could have gotten it. "I swear he is like stalking me or something."

Angie laughed. "I think he actually like you."

I started laughing. "As if." I said through giggles. "He would just be wasting his time if he liked me."

How did you get my number?
P.S Stalker much!! :( I texted him back.

Thats classified information babe. Im not stalking you!! By the way im out side your house!!!

I quickly ran downstairs to the front door. What was he doing outside my house. 

"Why are you so rushed about?" Ang asked when she caught up with me at the door.

I opened the door quickly and looked out side. Where was he? 

"Thank goodness." I said relieved. "He's not here."

I turned around to face Angie. "Do you mean Princeton or Leo?"

"Princeton like duh."

"Well he is coming from over there." she pointed in the direction of a guy with a small-ish afro. He had a red shirt, a black jacket and of course his glasses. Did he wear them every where he went?

I immediately closed the door so he wouldn't know that we'd seen him. "He's probably going to someone else's house." I pointed out.

I heard a knock at the door. "Hello anybody home?" he called out.

"Maybe he got the wrong house." I whispered to Ang.

"Audrey babe?"

"Let's just hope he thinks no one's home."

"I know you're here so you might as well open the door."

Ugh!! What did he want?!

"What?" I said coldly when I opened the door.

"You invited me remember?" He made his way into my house. When was I stupid enough to do that? "In Art class!" He shouted as if i had said it out loud.

Did he take that seriously? I never invited him! "You invited yourself idiot!"



Hey, My peeps out there plz tell me what you think Good, Bad, Okay anything 
Luv Yaz all :D 

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