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Georgia's POV

Next Day 7:00 a.m. Donetsk airport

The plane we were boarding landed in London and we were to take a plane from there to Canada. The flight was at the least- 10 hours and Bring Me were already there in their hotel rooms which was the same place we were staying and I knew that this was going to be weird for me because I wasn't really a fan of Bring Me. I was excited to meet them of course but I wasn't too excited because I didn't know their music well or the band members but thinking about it got my mind off of worrying too much about not having other people around because if another band was there someone was bound to always be there.

"Excited Georgia?" Ben asked me

"Sure." I said smirking at him as we boarded the plane. I sat next to Ben by the window with Sam on his left side and Denis, James, and Cameron were in behind us. I didn't sit by Denis this time because he needed to sleep after we stayed up really late last night. After he had told me about Bring Me coming on tour with us I decided it was a good idea to talk him through everything that had happened with Doctor Polski and that led to the discussion of my fears and how I hate being alone. He needed to think over everything I had spilled out to him in one night but he was beyond proud of me for finally getting it all of my chest. So while Denis slept and Cam and James argued about something ridiculous on a chocolate wrapper, Ben, Sam, and I just talked about the tour.

"You have to like try and get the table set up when we get to the venue. Mike and Hannah are the other two merch people and they know what to do now its just Willie had a certain way of arranging and making it the place to visit before, between, and after shows." Ben was still head over hills with Willie even though she was gone from our band and the merch group. I remembered the pregnancy and the loss of it all in a matter of a few weeks. I wrapped my arm around Ben. Willie had left Ben for the man who broken Ben's heart.. Danny Worsnop. I never sat down and talked with him and I never really listened to We Are Harlot. But I did remember the party at Jake Pitts home.. Jeff George hitting on me until he totally recognized me and that I was obviously with Denis, and Asking.. his frontman's ex band.

"I'm alittle nervous about this job." I said

"You will be fine. Georgia if there's any girls that I know that can sell things it will be you. You are so sweet." Sam said

"Thanks Sam." I smile at him

After several plane trips- A fancy hotel in Toronto, Canada. 2 days before the first show

"I slept through all of the plane trips." Denis said to James and I as we grab our keys to the hotel rooms that Cam, Sam, and Ben were already in

"Bring Me is already here I take it." James said

"Ben said they were here like a few days ago."

"Strange." I say as we board the elevator to the highest floor of the hotel.

"I can't wait to actually meet them." I heard Denis say to James

"Their alright I suppose."

"Here goes nothing." The elevator binged as Denis and James ran like children to the hotel room

"Guys." I said knocking on it as it was slammed in my face... This is what I didn't want to happen. I knocked again before Ben grabbed me pulling me in quickly.

"ROOM SERVICE LEFT US BEER!" Cameron yelled, and this was my night. I sighed looked at all of them specifically to Denis who was already letting me down with his promise to not leave me alone. I wasn't going to sit here and drink with them so I left the room. Besides I needed to stretch my legs anyways. I took the elevator downstairs to the lobby to get me a black coffee and maybe something to eat.
I chose a cinnamon muffin and I retrieved my black coffee. After I had sat down in one of the red lounging chairs in front of the huge fireplace I recognized someone with another person I don't think I have ever met yet but they had AA merch on so I couldn't help but smile at them and the boy.. Brandon recognized me immediately.

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now