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Georgia's POV

Denis looked at me with his concerned eyes.. I got up from the bed slipping my underwear on and rushed to the door grabbing my cigarette box I left on the counter. I ran downstairs and to the elevator taking it to the garden area. I sat on the concrete bench. I lit the cigarette and just smoked it all away until Denis made his way to me.

"Georgia, you can't run from this."

"I can't believe this." I slung the ashes on the ground "I came here to get away from this."

"Go see him." Denis said leaning on the large pine tree

"It's not the best decision is it?"
He sighed and sat down next to me wrapping his arm around me.

"I can't tell you what to do. That's not what I am doing with you." He grabbed the cigarette from my hands and put it in his mouth inhaling-exhaling "But all I can say is that you have to make that choice. You choose what you think you need to do."

"I can't come on tour with you." I watched him finish my cigarette "But I can just say this no matter where I go I won't ever leave you."

"Do what you need to do." He got up "I need to get the guys up and get going to the meet and greet today."

"Alright, good luck with that." I felt drained again, I pulled myself away from them only to have them coming back. There was no one on earth that could ever change my mind about loving Denis the way I do but sometimes family tears you down. I should listen to George, "forget about me." But I get a call from where he was stationed in Syria and now he's back in America needing to talk to me.. Mum was alive why didn't they call her? "Denis wait..." I yelled running after him. He stopped before entering the apartment building. I hugged him tightly . "I won't leave you this time. I'm-I just need to see my brother one last time before I let this all go.. this is the last thing I need to do before I forget it all."

"I believe in you Georgia. You are my perfect dream." He kissed me before walking back upstairs leaving me to myself. I needed to catch a flight again..

After I packed my bag the guys were already gone from my apartment which was a complete mess with trash and empty assorted alcohol bottles.. Cigarette butts in my couch-the carpet- piss in my sink... Holy shit. I walked into my bedroom and remember this morning, I scanned the messed up sheets and the pillows on the floor. Until I found something of Denis'. His ring. I'd need to return it to him before I catch a flight to America. I picked it up from the ground and laid it on my kitchen counter rushing to take a quick shower and finally making it out of my apartment around 3:00 p.m. The drive to the venue was quick and finding parking was easy since the security guard knew me very well. When I made it inside and past all of the back stage crew-roadies some of who I knew and some whom I had never met before. Willy was packing boxes and waved to me with her mouth open.

"GEORGIA! YOU BITCH! BEN TOLD ME YOU DIED!" she gave me a huge hug nearly choking me to death.

"I am not dead. And please for the sake of your sanity do not believe anything Ben says." I said

"So where have you been? No phone calls, no texts, nothing." Willy was so happy to see me it felt like needles jabbing at me, the guilt I had for leaving and not telling anyone but the boys was awful.

"I moved here. I just- I pieced myself back together and grew up alittle."

"I've noticed, you look different." She patted my shoulder "You look older."

"Only a year older."

"Not too bad then?" She asked

"No. I'm legal in America now so all is well."

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now