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Georgia's POV

*Last night*

I had spent time with James for the past 3 days before he left for tour and it was engraved in my head.. the things he had said to me and how he had truly brought me up. I left Gavryn and my mum once I watched my mother cry and her lips turn into the largest smile I had ever seen. I walked and spent the rest of my money and I had a cabbie take me back to James' home.. It was storming quite heavily and I felt drained.. I had not expressed my sadness outside of my own thoughts yet and by the time James opened the door I fell in his arms. He carried me to my bed in the basement and laid me down as he sat on the edge of it.

"He lied to you didn't he?" James asked softly. All I could do was cry now. I moved my head up and down as James slowly moved onto the bed wrapping me in his arms.

"Denis let's go too easily." I sobbed into James chest "He loves this band we all love this band but you are too much for him to juggle both. He loves you too much for you to suffer throughout the whole tour."

"He just promised me James. You wouldn't promise Brandi that you would never leave and then go on tour without saying anything."

"No I wouldn't do that." I watched James chew on his cheek alittle bit before continuing, "You also have this whole situtation about your parents and he thinks you need to find yourself.. I'm not saying that you should listen to him and completely go all out but maybe you should just move away from England for awhile and just find who you want to be."

"I'm going to Ukraine." I said pulling my face from James' chest

"Why would you do that?"

"I have family from my father's side there and I think that it would be best for me to just stay there, learn a diffrent language and just learn to be me.."

James looked scared

"It's only going to make matters worse."

"No." I shook my head "I love Denis.. I will find a way to be with him again in the future but this- my future shouldn't be like my past. I need to meet my family and to try and make some sort of connection to them."

"Your father's family?"

"Yes." I nodded "It's what I'm doing and where I plan on living. "

"Fine. Do what you think is best. I support you 100%."

Georgia's POV
Several months later

I currently lived in Kiev, Ukraine in my own complex in this rather large apartment building. I had recently spent my first few weeks meeting Vlada and I had changed my appearance. I changed my name to Georgia Levchenchov. I didn't look the same as I had in England. My skin was sickly pale and I cut my bangs and I was fluent in Ukrainian. It's funny how time changes people I also turned one year older... 18 years old and I now worked in this large restaurant that served many different ethnic foods, on my spare time I wrote whatever was on my mind and this passed my afternoons quickly. I called James every other day and we talked. We spoke of his touring but mainly what I was up to. How many different people I meet daily and how living in a different country was.. It was nice but at times it made me feel as if I was still missing that one person in my life.. I thought of Denis everyday but I had moved on from him. I had a neighbor named Curt and he was from America. We worked at the same restaurant and most times we would go on walks. I didn't drink but I was sure I went through a pack of cigs everyday. I never told Curt about me, in fact I made up a huge lie. I told him I lived in the Ukraine all my life and that I grew up with my aunt Vlada. He believed me even though I didn't even have an accent of someone from here. I still sounded British but he never noticed.
Curt Rollins was 30 years old. He moved here from America after he was discharged from the army. The connection I had with Curt was that he knew a man named George Wesley. My brother.. my relationship with Curt was nothing but lies and he believed anything I had told him. But if it wasn't for Curt I would have never heard anything else about George.. I was with Curt one Sunday afternoon we were out for coffee and he told me everything he did in the army.. This was when he spoke of a brown haired boy named George. He told me that George was very quiet most times and that he met him in boot camp before they went to Syria.. He told me the stories George had and that he spoke faintly of a sister.. Curt said George never gave him a name but said she was still alive somewhere..

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now