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Georgia's POV

"James I'm drunk.. and I probably won't remember this conversation."

"You don't need to ask this." James thought of a few different ways to not tell me until I got up from the grass and almost walked back inside

"Around 10." I heard James say "Most of them would leave in the middle of it because he would say your name most times.."

I felt dirty because I asked this.. I felt like I wasn't suppose to know this.

"You need to say something Georgia. You asked this." he said. I went back to the grass and sat next to him laying my head on his shoulder

"Was one of them Mandy?" I asked

"You are only asking this to hurt yourself in the long run."

"James." I mumbled


"NOOOOOO!" I yelled I slammed my head in the grass banging it back and forth tasting the dirt moments before James pulled me into his arms

"You asked this. Now I need to talk to you."

"This can't be happening. How can he do that?"

"You were over. Both of you weren't together he had every right."

"Mandy broke my nose and beat the shit out of me."

"Denis drank alot he always does if you aren't around. You need to forget and maybe forgive about that. The one issue with you is that you don't know how to move on and I think that is your one problem. You make everything a part of you and it only tears you down."

"How can you let Denis do that?"

"Who he sleeps with when you aren't his girlfriend is none of my business just as much as it is isn't for you."

"James.." I said "James." I said again


"I can't hold on to the grudges anymore can I?" I asked

"No you can't and I don't think it's a good idea to hold it against Denis either."

I nod. He was right.. "So when we leave you and Stoff behind for a few weeks hopefully you two can get all of your sex out then so when you are in the tour bus you won't be doing that when we can all hear and possibly walk in the wrong time."

"Come on James." I whacked his arm

"I'm serious." He wasn't because he was laughing

"Fine.. fine. Let's go to bed." I said

"Good idea." James basically carried me back into the bedroom and He moved Cameron so him and I could sleep on the bed as well.

*In the morning*

"Shit Georgia.. James?!" Cameron woke up and practically kicked me off the bed.

"Ow." I groaned grabbing my head

"Georgia." James said grabbed my hand pulling me back on the bed

"Owww." I groaned again as he threw me on top of Cameron

"What the fuck?" Sam opened the bed room door "Some weird ass sex.."

"It's not what you think Sam." James says throwing a pillow at him

"Denis is going to like freak when he sees this." Sam smirked running out of the doorway screaming 'Denis!'

"Well I better get up before my boyfriend thinks I'm cheating on him with you two." I laugh as Cameron pushes me up on my feet

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now