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Georgia's POV

Gavryn was outside smoking his pipe on his mobile as Ben and Samantha arrived.. Once Ben saw Denis stroking my hair, he knew something was wrong.
"What happened?" Ben asked as Samantha sat the leftover box on the kitchen counter. Denis looked up at Ben and pointed to my father outside.

"Things got emotional." He said. Samantha peeked out the back door and looked at Gavryn. She really didn't know the whole backstory so when Ben put a hand on her shoulder and he pretty much told her, she gasped...
"He's her real dad?" It made her more emotional then me, I felt like a charity case and I hated it. I raised up from Denis' lap and Ben watched me trying to see what I was going to do next. I was going to do something that should have been done years ago. Denis didn't call after me, he knew what I was up too. I grabbed my bag and made sure I still have enough pounds for a plane ticket to York. I'm sure Gavryn had enough to get there as well.
I went outside and he was putting his wooden pipe out and he stuffed it in his green jacket pocket. "I want to take you to her." I said. His expression was the answer to my demand. He followed me out of the house and Denis knew immediately.

"Denis can you drive them to the airport?" Ben asked. Denis nodded mumbling a "sure." He grabbed the keys and on the drive to the airport it was quiet. Gavryn attempted to ask Denis more about his childhood and it was all very vague he wasn't even glancing at me as he usually did and that worried me.. I didn't know how long I would stay gone and I knew I had to get Gavryn and my mother together..I promised Gavryn I would take care of his book store but for now he was okay with closing it for a few days before he chose my mother or not... It was like putting a puzzle together but the puzzle pieces were withered.
When we arrived at the airport Gavryn went and bought himself and I a ticket as Denis and myself talked..

The look on his face was pure sadness, I knew that I had to get my real parents together again and that Denis was going on tour and this was how it would be.
"Look Denis-"
"Don't say anything. Let me say this before you say something you will regret."
He placed his index finger over my lips. "I know you have to get your dad with your mother, but don't let that be the end of what you want to do. Rethink your dreams and when you find what you have been looking for run with it. Don't be afraid to give up on your dreams." Denis was speaking as if this was the end. I didn't want this to be the end, I lived with James and I would clearly see him and maybe the rest of AA but was this it for Denis and I?

"I-" I swallowed and tried to not let the tears escape my eyes "Why do we have to end this?"
Denis looked at me and I stared into his chocolate brown eyes as I had done the first day I met him on that hot summer day..

"Tour this time will not be easy for you to come with us, constant shows every night, catching flights, and getting enough rest. I can't do it. I can't be with you and do this at the same time. Asking Alexandria is my band now and this is what I have to do." I nodded to him as he said this

"I get it." I said and he shook his head

"This isn't goodbye forever." He said

"I still live with James."

"That's how it will always be.. this isn't the end of you with Asking it's just the end of me and you." Denis rested his hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead and I watched him walk away. I was sure I was crying my eyes out and when Gavryn went over to me he rested his hand on my shoulder as Denis had done.

"He will come back for you." He said and I nodded to him as we walked towards the boarding dock onto the plane. No more Asking Alexandria for awhile.. The only reason I was really upset was because Denis never said anything earlier. James didn't tell me. Ben didn't bring it up. Sam wasn't even hinting it. Cameron was acting as if they had nothing planned. Samantha, my new 'friend' didn't even bother asking my plans without Denis.
I couldn't believe I was lied to. It was like telling me as a child that food was coming or that my mother would get me out of the situation I was brought up in. You can see it being a simple accident or not really a big deal but if you lie to someone who grew up in a house full of false hope and fake promises you would be where I was. Boarding a plane with the man who was biologically my father but I never knew him until now. My dream was to make my mother happy. When I did that I could finally feel okay because my happiness lied to me and left me. I refused to stay in one place after this.. I was going far far away once Gavryn and my mum were united. Try to find what I wanted to do in my life besides catering to Denis who clearly didn't love me as much as he said he had.. He promised to stay by me and never leave me. He promised me.. he said it in his language-in Ukrainian.. I guess things will never work out for me.

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now