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Thanks to everyone reading and giving me feedback I love you all so much :)-Mickey

When I woke up, it wasn't my average morning. Ben was yelling at James for something really stupid and Sam and Cameron were literally digging through Denis bunk.

"Hey." Sam said to me patting my arm. "Rough night huh?"

"Is it always like that with you 5?"

"We usually pass out on the streets if you weren't there with us" Cam added laughing throwing a pair of boxers across the bus.

"Why are you digging through Denis' stuff?" I asked raising my head throwing the blanket off of me

"He took something of mine." Sam said

"What did he take?"

"My box of bass picks. I can't play without them."

Cam shook his head "Georgia are you coming with us?" Ben asked me coming into the bunk room

"Where? Like I keep touring with you guys?"

"We could have gotten raped in the bums last night if you didn't help us." he said and James was laughing from the front of the bus.

"I don't know guys I'm still 17 and my car is literally parked in the lot in front of the venue and I got to get home and make sure I call my guardian."

"Child problems." Sam said

"Okay, here's the deal. We really want you to come with us on tour not only because it's nice to have a chick to talk to who isn't here for booze and sex but because you care about us and you will make sure we get back here safe when we have nights like those."Ben added to me as James was talking to Denis in the front of the bus

"Okay, I'll need to go home first and pack my bag and park my car.

"Yes we could just follow you there." Sam said

"So I'll get going and you guys can just follow me." I said

"We need your address." Cam said

I got out of bed and realized I was in the t-shirt Denis had given me without pants on in front of all of these boys.

I stood up and walked to the front of the bus as Ben snapped his fingers and Sam laughed

"No." James shook his head I knew what they were doing as I sat down at the table

"I need a piece of paper and a pen please." I said and Denis handed me what I asked for

I wrote my address down and handed the paper to him

"Here, Ben take that to the driver." Denis handed the paper to Ben as Ben took one last look at my legs and walked to the entrance of the bus.

'Okay, I'll go drive home and get my stuff really quickly." I said

"Here." Cameron handed me my muddy clothes and I smiled at them

"I hope to see you guys soon." I said and walked out of the bus. I slipped my converse on and tried to pull the t shirt even further than my upper thighs. I got a few smirks and smiles from the people around the tour grounds but most of the buses were gone and already on the road for the show tomorrow. I got to the front of the parking lot and found my car and immediately started its engine. I was still 17 and a minor here in America so I don't know what to tell Nicole. I couldn't just tell her that I was going on tour with Asking Alexandria, and that I could possibly fall deeply in love with one of them. I still had open wounds on my arms from the bottle, and once I got inside I called Nicole to tell her some cover up story.

I Won't Give In (Denis Stoff [Denis Shaforostov]/Asking Alexandria Fanfiction) {FINISHED/ EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now