Ch.3 I Am The Swan Queen

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  • Dedicated to The Black Swan

A/N This is the chapter when the story REALLY starts. So #Leggo!!


I had to pay a fortune Danielle's room, she wanted new carpets and a new bed, to make it even worse for me, she picked out very expensive things. Can you believe that?! She can forget about getting a Christmas and birthday present from me.

I walked down the school corridors and saw my best friend, Luke. He was tall and gangly he had very light brown hair that got into his eyes a lot, he had mysterious brown eyes that sometimes reminded me of chocolate. He was OK looking apart from the huge ears. He's had one or two girlfriends. He looked bothered as I finally reached to where he was standing.

"What have I done now?" I sighed.

"It's not you, it's just that I have gym today."


"I HATE gym and I always get attacked in the changing rooms by Jared and Kyle."

"Ugh, Jared and Kyle are such jer-" I cut got off by a familiar, irritating voice.

"Surely you're going to end your sentence with princes of this school." Kyle said.

"No," I said through gritted teeth.

I hate Kyle he's such a jerk, and he dates anything in a skirt, that's right he dates shuttlecocks (those things you use to play badminton) they have skirts. Right? He never stays with one girl for too long though. But I can give him one thing, he's hot. He has messy brown hair, hazel brown eyes, he has a jocks build and is not very tall, but not short either.

"Then what were you going to end it with?" His voice challenging.

"Jerk. Because that's what you are." I replied bravely.

"Kyle, Catch!" I heard, then I saw an unidentified flying object, which I think was a ball, but the next thing I knew, everything was dark.

I opened my eyes to see Kyle and Jared standing over me.

"Is she dead?" Jared asked.

"What do you think?!" Kyle yelled.

As I tried to get up I felt like weight was on me, so I layed down again. I looked up to see what it was.

Some cheerleader was sitting on my like I was a bench.

"DO YOU MIND?!" I shrieked in disbelief. The girl got up and carried on texting her friend. I had a headache, but I could live.

"Clarissa! I need you to listen to Joe and Eric's conversation! I know they are discussing how hot I am, I just know it!" Melanie beamed.

"$10." She gave me the money and skipped away happily.

I didn't even know who Eric and Joe were. There was only one thing I could do to identify them.

"ERIC!! JOE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled, everyone turned around and looked at me, then to the two boy's talking in the corner.

There they are.

I walked over to them, but not too close, and listened to their conversation.

"She actually thinks we like her!" Joe laughed.

"Never, she's got such a big nose!" Eric replied.

That was enough for me to go and tell Melanie that they did not like her.

I rushed towards her with a great big positive smile, she thought it was good news.

"They said you have a big nose." I said, not sharing any sympathy at all. She gave me a disappointed look and ran off to the bathroom to cry.

Just as I turned to go back to Luke, the bell rung for first period.

Mr Howard entered the room, to a message on the board that said. 'Mr Howard Eats Pants'

Mr Howard turned red. "WHO WROTE THAT LIE?!"

Everyone went silent, and Jack couldn't help but laugh.

Mr Howard had a vein that always throbbed in his forehead when he got mad, and the vein looked like it was going to turn into 3D by the end of the lesson.

He finally let us out, and we all rushed out.

As I got nearer to the gym, I saw a huge circle of people laughing, and Kyle and Jared were holding clothes. Those clothes looked familiar.

I shoved through the circle to see, Luke red in the face in a tight skimpy black dress, with high heels on.

He stretched his arms out and shouted. "I AM THE SWAN QUEEN!"

Kyle and Jared high fived each other and looked like they were dying of laughter.

I was pretty sure by the look on his face, the only thing Luke could think of, was revenge.


Another short and snappy one. Hahaha, I took a few bits from my little sister's fave tv program iCarly. And the I am the swan queen prank just popped up into my head.  The girl sitting on Clarissa bit actually happened to me, straight after I ran 800 metres on the track, i fell onto the grass then this really popular girl just sat on me!! Well, Vote, Like, Comment, Fan, Add to library!

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