Ch.15 Henry

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Whew, 15th chapter!! 5 more chapters until it finishes!! _______________________________________________________________

We had maths next. Uh oh. It was a test. We did have a brain in our class, Judy Birch, but she was such a bitch and that's why we called her Judy Bitch. Surprisingly she was really popular, cheer captain, really pretty, boyfriend. I sighed as I walked into class, I sat in my usual seat next to Tj a really nice girl, but was a big gossip.

"Right class, before we start our test I have some letters to give out." Mrs Duncan said, giving out the sheets faster than you can say ''what letters?" When she practically threw mine in the table, I scanned the page quickly. "Week trip to italy" That awkward moment when you've been studying french for all of your years of high school. I read on and it said that the trip was compulsory, meaning everyone had to go. Groan.

Mrs Duncan came back to the front of the room, looking a bit ill. "Class.. Some thing has happened to the test papers. Meaning no test today."

"HEEEEEEEEY LET'S CELEBRATE C'MON! WOOT WOOT! NO TEST! NO TEST!!" I yelled getting up on the table and dancing. I soon realized no one was celebrating with me and sat back down quietly, as if nothing happened.

"What happened miss?" Goody two shoes Judy Birch asked.

"Some one decided to try and eat the paper." She replied. All eyes turned to Eric. The biggest nerd and the only weirdo in our class that ate paper. Ick. He'd eat anything from slugs to live chickens. Eric looked scared, he got the surprise of his life when the whole class started clapping, and hooting for him and teling him great job. That was until Judy Birch started yelling.


"Yeah, testify." One of the jocks that was just whistling for him said.

Then they all started booing. See what Judy does? She brainwashes them. Luckily I haven't been brainwashed.

"Guys, Leave Eric alone." I said trying to be louder than all of them. No one seemed to be listening.

I just let it go, I'd never win against Judy anyway. Even if she was less popular than me. No one could resist her charm or her bossyness. If that's even a word.

We spent the rest of the lesson talking about hair, and one of our classmates shared an interesting story about his mum's friend that always ate her hair, and then one minute she went to the hospital and died because there was a fur ball clogging up her heart. Most of our class thought this was pretty funny. I have to admit it was kind of funny, but sad. It's death. Maybe we were just trying to lighten up the mood. I don't know. Our next lesson was art.


Art was so boring, all our art teacher could go on about was doing portraits and collages, she didn’t even let us do them. Until i heard her say those four words.

“Maria, Partners with Kyle.” Mrs Haydan said.

I could have done cartwheels right on the spot. Kyle was by far the hottest in the class, his chocolate brown hair, his hazel eyes, and his adorable dimples, i cant even begin to explain his singing voice. I have talked to him before, but not that much, even kissed him once, he makes me melt when im looking at him, i cant even get a word out.

He smiled at me, and i could not even move, his gorgouseness almost knocked me down.

I finally managed to handle smiling back, and not embarrasing myself. Miss Haydan had finally finished pairing people up, and then told us what we would be doing.

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