Paid To Listen Xtra- Clarissa's Dream.

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“Right, i will put you into partners guys, since most of you, partner up with your buddies” Ms Turner said, and started picking the partners.

Then she got to me, i hoped she’d put me with some one else, but she went and put me with Kyle Benson, oh no. For some reason he acted like he didn’t like me at all, i used to like him, but he’s so nasty to me its unbelieveable. So i decided to return the kindness and now we both dont like each other.

He gave me an evil look and i groaned, i knew miss was aware of what went on between us, because every bloody time she put us together as partners, did she not have a soul?

We were doing an experimet, mixing different chemicals together, hopefully Kyle and i will get on together, and try not to set the school on fire, like we almost did last time. The teacher really didn’t get it did she? We can’t work well together at all.

We both scowled at each other and i got up out of my desk, and walked over to his. He narrowed his eyes at me. As i slumped over the desk.

“Well?” I asked he was good at science.

“Well what, you’re the geek, you do it.” He smirked.

“Hhahahahah, No.” I said sarcastically.

“Well im not doing it.” He replied.

“Neither am i.” I said folding my arms.

“Someones gotta do it, and its not gonna be me.” He stated.

“Err, no. You’re doing it..” I snapped.

“No, you are.” He replied.

“Argh!” I couldnt let him win, but this was driving my mad. I poured in any random chemical. “There! Done!!” I yelled.

“Err, is it supposed to be bubbling like that?” Kyle stated, and i looked at the green mess bubbling up.

“Fuck, that wasnt supposed to happen at all.” I replied.

“Well its happening.” He said.

“You’re not helping!” I snapped. “Oh my god, i think its going to explode.”

“It would help to duck.” Kyle suggested, already under the table, i realised i had a skirt on, and thought of what he might have been doing under there. I kicked him in the head.

“Ow, that bloody hurt!” He moaned, rubbing his head.

“That’ll teach you for being such a perv, oh no, it really is gonna explode!” I said quickly, ducking just in time, as the green mess went everywhere, luckily everyone else noticed what was going on and ducked in time too. Ms Turner was not impressed at all. She dismissed the class early, and kept me and Kyle in to clean it up. When Ms Turner strangely left, we started arguing again.

“You idiot! Its all your fault!” Kyle yelled.

“Err, no. You’re the one that told me to do it!” I snapped.

“Whatever, all i did was tell you to do the experiment, not blow up the lab!” He replied.

“I dont like you.” I said narrowing my eyes.

“The feelings mutual!” He snapped.

Then something unexpected happened, our lips met and Kyle lifted me up and put me on the desk, still kissing. Then Ms Turner walked in and let out a little gasp.

I realised what Ms turner was doing, the whole time she knew Kyle and I liked each other, and she tried her best to get us together and succeeded, never underestimate the power of a teacher, Especially a science one.

"ARRRRGH!!" I shot up out of bed. That was unreal. I am now scared to go back to sleep.. I can't go back to sleep. That was disturbing.

A/N LOL, I'll be doing A LOT of these,So what do you think? Teehee.

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