Ch.9 Shut Up And Get Pranky.

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  • Dedicated to icarly For The ipranky Idea!! Love themm!! x

I didn't manage to convince Amy and Danielle that Kyle and I did nothing. I was in HUGE trouble and I got grounded for a week, as if I care, I hardly go anywhere anyway. But I did sort of need to teach Amy and Danielle a lesson, I was going to play one of my famous pranks on them, and they both involve bedrooms, I wont trash them, but I'll do something else. I might need to get Kyle to help me with my other prank for Danielle, it's going to be so funny.

My thoughts were disturbed by someone sitting next to me, I sighed and looked up, it was Luke. I hadn't seen him in a while.

"I heard that you and Kyle were like best buds or something. Apparently Jared's really angry about it." Luke said, filling me in.

"Oh. What's Jared gonna do, he's so stupid." I snorted.

"I heard that." Jared, who I didn't know was behind me said through gritted teeth.

I just ignored it, I could handle the wrath of Jared. As if Jared even knew what the word meant. Idiot.

There were so many words I could use to describe him, he was like one of those annoying people, that are always commenting on what you do, or have to make a pithy comment, that are also stupid, then when you say something to them, they call you stupid. What goes on in that delusional mind of his. Or anyone else like him in fact.

"Oh yeah, and why are you best friends with the enemy?" He said, sounding a bit like those stupid cheerleaders that cared about popularity and practically ruled their friends. They didn't rule me, that was one thing.

 "Because I am, got a problem?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Thought not blonde boy." I said.

"Don't call me blonde." He hissed.

"What? Nothings wrong with it, Kyle's hair turns kinda blonde in the sun." I said dreamily, oh shoot. How did I even know  that. Were my eyes watching Kyle even though my brain told them not to?

"That's exactly why there's something wrong with it. Because of Kyle, everything is wrong with this world because of Kyle, I actually wish he wasn't born, I actually wish his parents would use a condom." He snapped.

"Alright.. Calm down." I said, raising my hands up.

"You know, everything in this world has been inspired by Kyle actually. Kyle is the one keeping all the flowers alive, Kyle's the one helping charities without even paying them. Kyle's everything." Some random girl said, she was obviously in love with Kyle, like all the other lovesick puppies on this bus. Or in this school.

"Could you shut your mouth. No one asked you to open it in the first place, get lost. Actually, don't get lost, because then we'd have to find you again. Just die. If you love Kyle then your one of the other people that makes this world awful. We don't need you guys and your ''fan club'' contaminating our world." He blurted.

What was up with him today. Even Jared seemed to notice that Luke had something on his mind. But there was no need for his rudeness, some people do have feelings, even the stubborn ones, even the ones too blind to see that the guy their crushing on is an egotistic, arrogant, jerk. That's why I drew my fist back as soon as the girl burst into tears, and punched Luke in the face. He totally deserved that.

Nobody deserved it more than him that day, nobody.


I saw Luke after 1st period, he had a bust lip and looked like he didn't want to talk to me. His loss. No friends for him. I looked at my timetable and groaned, I had citizenship, I had totally forgotten about the project. We had to make some society where civilized people could live, and share love and kindness to each other. Our teacher Mr Watkins was a weirdo.

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