Ch.11 Everybody Likes Kung-Fu Fighting.

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I woke up in a white room, a bright light shone in my face. Oh My God I was In Hospital!

"Clear! Clear!" The doctors were resuscitating me.

I bolted upright and realized that they weren't doctors at all, I wasn't even in a hospital, I was in a bedroom, and the noises were coming from the TV. ER was on. I sighed, all my excitement turned into confusions, and I asked myself many questions.

First of all, where was i? Second, why was I here? Third, What happened last night?!  I heard the door swing open and there were footsteps, soon they came closer to the bed, and I saw who it was.

It was Joyce. Fourth, Why was she here?!

"Oh, you're awake." She said sourly.

"Why are you screaming at me?!" I whispered, holding my head, it was pounding.

"I'm not, you're just hungover."

"What happened last night, and why am I here?" I asked.

"Well, Krissie said she saw that Drew guy, slipping something in your drink, and I was like what the hell does he even go to our school? Then she was all I don't think so, I've never seen him around, so she went and told Kyle, then Kyle was all, who the hell is Drew? Then Jared was all, yeah. Who is Drew?" She began.

"Can you just get to the point." I groaned.

"Oh, Kyle and Drew started fighting, you started singing ''Everybody likes kung fu fighting." Then you got annoyed and poured the drink all over Drew's head, Drew tried to hit you, and surprisingly, Kyle beat him up for you. Who in their right mind would do that? Then you passed out, and I was the only one that wasn't drunk so I drove you here, and well, here I am."

"So at the moment, I'm under the same roof as Jared?" I asked, calmly.

"Yup." She said.


"Ok then.." She said slowly.

"I have to go home." I sighed, getting up.

"Go then." She replied.

"Can you drive me?" I asked.

"You can walk." She said simply.

"Gah! I hate you." I hissed.

"Fine I'll drive you. I don't like being hated by people."


"Where have you been?" My mom asked, watching as I entered the room looking trashed.

"With a friend.." I lied, walking past her.

"You reek of alcohol!" She shrieked.

"Whatever." I replied, walking up the steps. Her reaction was pretty much like the one that woman had in the video Tik Tok by Ke dollar sign ha. I went into my room slamming the door. It sounded like a gunshot.

"OWWWW!" I shrieked.

I flopped down on my bed and covered my head with my pillow. I kicked the bed once, then did it again. Soon I was kicking both my legs up and down on the bed and yelling into the pillow. I'm crazy. I finally got bored of freaking out and picked up my phone, I looked through my contacts and pressed on one.

Boop Boop Boop Boop

"Hello?" I heard on the other end of the receiver.

"Hey Luke!" I said breathlessly.

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