Ch.10 Now I'm feeling so fly like a...G8?

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I got Danielle back by putting fake blood in her pickle that she was carrying for lunch, I couldn't wait to see that. I smiled to myself as I got on the bus, Luke was still acting as if I was invisible so I sat next to Joyce and Krissy, the school gossips, Krissie was OK because she was like me, but I HATED Joyce because she was Jared's sister. Ugh. She's smart though, so that's the difference, their twins but I can't really see it.

"Hey!" Krissie smiled, high fiving me.

"Sup Krissaaay!" I laughed. We were OK, friends but not very close we didn't hang out very often, that's why I don't classify her as a friend much.

"I'm having a party this weekend! There will be alcohol, lots of it!" She said. "Wanna come?"

"SURE!!" I said enthusiastically. I'd never been to a party with proper booze before, I'd only been to kid parties, where you had to wear pink frilly frocks and play pass the parcel, this would obviously be a new experience for me.

Joyce rolled her eyes at me and begun picking at her nails, with a metal nail picker thing, did I mention that I HATED that girl? In case you didn't get it the first time, I HATE that girl.

 "The party is tonight, so wear something nice, OK?" She replied.

"Got it." I smiled.

That was another thing I hated, the fact that they always invited me to the party when it was the actual day of the party, how am I going to find a suitable enough dress for Krissie's party. I guess I have to borrow one of Danielle's or even the one Luke wore for that swan queen joke.

The bus broke hard and we all went flying forward, I couldn't help but laugh when the metal nail thing stabbed Joyce in the finger. She glared at me and began picking at her nails again. God, what a weirdo.

I got off the bus and walked through the school doors, I began to stride down the corridor like it was my own, must be the effect all that crisps had on me. I kept going back down stairs and taking another packet of crisps ever since Kyle pranked me, because I couldn't sleep. As I got further down the corridor and the corridor got emptier, I heard footsteps behind me, I turned and no one was there. I continued walking and heard it again, I turned and there was still no body there. Then I realized it was just me. I laughed it of, and walked to my locker. I opened it taking my books out, and just as I was about to close it, I dropped my books and screamed.

"What the hell Drew?!" I half yelled. Why was that guy here.

"You ruined my social life!" He shouted.

"How?" I replied.

"You turned Keiron on me, then he spread rumors about me, saying that I had some kind of sexual disease, and it's all YOUR fault." He explained, prodding me hard. What is it with guys and poking me these days?

"It's not my fault the chicks dig you." Oh gross, I was starting to sound like Kyle.

"You WILL pay! At Krissie's party!" He threatened, and with that he disappeared into the crowd.

God, Drew was aggressive.


"Hair up, or down?" I asked myself, experimenting in the mirror. I had finally found what I was wearing, a black tank top with tight black skinny jeans, I found it laying around in my wardrobe. Danielle wouldn't let me borrow hers from the bleeding pickle incident. Everyone saw and called her a pickle murderer, and said that she killed the baby pickle's mother. It was pretty funny though, she freaked out and started screaming, blood all over her mouth. Even the vampire lovers went up to her and said ''Team Pickle!" I'm with pickles!

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