Chapter 16: A week later

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Hye guys so I know I made you wait long for this next chappie and sorry for that. I just restarted tumblring and yeah it's an obsession ;d if you want to follow my names usedtooknowyou. you can always talk to me there if needed :) Also I would want some help on promoting this story cause it's going downhill, fast :s I might delete it if it isn't raising fast ;s and to think I was gonna put it in the next watty awards :s xx anyways here's the next part :) xx


*One week later*

Louis P.o.v.

It's been a week now ince operation 'Find Lauren's School without getting caught' (Thank you Niall for the oh so original and short name.) has succeeded. Eversince we've been a little stuck because Niall thinks w need to really think through about the questions we are going to ask and better yet, whom we are going to ask those questions. Knowing Niall this could take forever, this is soooo hard... NOT. I just send Niall a text thate me and zayn are skipping to get som ice cream but the truth of the matter is, we're on our way to Cheshire, We being me and Zayn ofcourse. I'm not really the one to be rough an harsh towards an innocent and unknown person, which is why Zayn tagged along. He sais and I quote: "A little action can't hurt' so it's not like I made him come. Okay I left out the part about me threatening to break his favourite mirror if he didn't but still. Nope I didn't make him, right? Right.

While I was having a small argument with myself I almost forgot why we were actually doing this. For lauren. God I really want to know what happened in lauren's past. Surely it can't be so bad, definitely not threat worthy. If I find that Lowlifed peasant that threats my little LL Imma kill them. Well... not really but still. I'd give her a piece of my mind and I won't hesitate to get my pradapurse and go cheerleade on her ass. Yeah, I'm.weird. Deal with it.

Honestly, I don't see Lauren do anything so bad that she deserves hatred and even threats of social death as that was implied when the girl told Niall she'd get Lauren soon enough. Zayn snapped me out of my never ending thoughts. "Hye Lou, how exactly are we going into that school? We aren't students..."He questioned. Ah my dearest Zayn, if only you knew what I had in mind for this secret mission. "Well my dear and foolish Zayn, you know whenever I do something..." " It's stupid, crazy and memorable?" He smirked as he glanced over to me. "Exactly, now I have a masterplan, me being the one and the ONLY Louis carrot. By the way that's my codename for the entire operation." I chuckled. If it was Niall next to me he'd smack me right on the head but Zayn, on the other hand, chuckled along while mumbling Louis carrot unde his breath as he shook his head.

"Lou, what do you think Lauren's secret is?" Zayn asked curiously as if I knew, I would facepalm right now but I need to keep my hand on the wheel. I don't want to crash yet another car as this is my third one in only 5 months. Yeah, I'm surprised they still let me drive, oh well. "Well zayn, if I knew then we wouldn't be sitting here but I really don't think it's that bad." Lauren seems so nice, she wouldn't hurt a fly. Surely that can't be a façade, can it? God how I hope I'm right. "So quiet." I groaned as I glanced over to Zayn. "Well it an other one hour drive and we cant do much..." "DANCEPARTAY!" I cheered while cranking up the music and doing some silly things. Yep Louis carrot, dange to any living creature within a 100miles radious. "You haven't changed one bit." Zayn smiled. Yeah it's kind off like the old times and god how I missed those.

Niall's P.o.v.

"I don't believe shit from Louis 'I'm out for ice cream with Zayn.' text." I groaned at Liam as we sat next to each other in class for a change. Yeah, I'm sitting with my old mate Li to people's great surpries amd Harry's biggest annoyance as Zayn wasn't here and Chelsea happily took his place. He won't last till next period, probably skip school the moment the bell rings and head of to home in no time. "You think Louis amd Zayn are of to Cheshire?"Liam asked while writing down the assignement that's writin on the board. "Knowing Carrot boy, he already planned out a Stupid 'spy'-mission thing. But I'm not going to stop him, I mean... why try to stop a loonatic when he can get us all the info we need in his own crazy way?"I chuckled. "I guess there is a methode to Louis madness." Liam chuckled along.

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