Chapter 14: It better be worth it

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Hi my lovely peasants <3

I'm updating very later at night because I thought you guys deserved it :) <3

~AmberStyles<3 The whale ^^ ;d


Niall's P.o.v.

I'm nervous, like freaking nervous. Me and Zayn figured out what we needed and the matter of fact is, it's like a reunion. The smart guy, which has to hack into the computer and find out where Lauren comes from. That guy is Liam and though he doesn't hate my guts, It's not like we're exactly on speaking terms. I miss him though, but I gave him up for being in the populars, one of my many regretable mistakes. And how sad am I now, I'll need help from the one guy I dropped almost instantly. It's like using him, but I don't want to use him. UGH this is frustrating. Lauren, I know you might never know what I'm doing, but I swear to god I'm doing it all for you. Maybe even for us.

Next came the loonatic that would snoop and spy around that place to find out about the whole thing, would be Louis. That wouldn't have been a big problem if he didn't know about the whole Lauren being broken thing. Yeah I kinda screwed everything up, I should've known better. But I know I did the right thing. Now for the last part, the keeping Lauren busy part, that's where Tanisha steps in. I don't know much about her but I do know she and Lauren are so close that they'd follow each other till death. She's going to be the thoughest of them all to get on board with this whole plan. God how I hope they'll be reasonable.

Zayn told me about a plan he had to put them in one room and to get them to listen but as soon as they'll see him they'll run. For the love of God why is doing the right thing is one of the hardest things you need to do. I need to post the notes into Louis, Liam and Tanisha's locker as for Zayn, he'll keep the door shut until they agree. Zayn might not look like it, but he's very strong and demanding. He needs things to be done his way as he thinks most of the time it's the right way.

He was waiting down the corridor, on the lookout for any of them three while keeping Harry busy who was ranting over how annoying Chelsea is getting. Ever since Lauren crashing the party Harry became fond of her, but not in the I want to make her mine kind of way. He becomes less of a jerk, but it just makes me more suspicious. Zayn thinks it's the Chelsea manipulation that's wearing down. Anyway, back to the point. Zayn was keeping Harry busy and on the look out while I was posting the notes into the lockers.

Once done I walked back slowly to the boys and as I almost came, Zayn's eyes flashed towards me with a weird look. Lauren turned around the corner with Louis closeby and she's smiling again. Just not a real smile. Her smile had smal dimples forming in her cheek, now she doesn't have any which shows that her smile isn't genuin. And that was all my fault. Please Lauren, I want you to see the truth. But if I do, you'll be doomed...

Zayn's P.o.v. after class.

Niall and I are currently waiting in the abandoned music room. We know all three of them received the note saying they need to know something and come here after 4pm. It about 4.10 right now and Niall's getting worked up. "Zayn what if they don't come? I need them, WE need them." I was about to say something when I heard mumbling. "Sssh."I whispered his way while the door opened and Tanisha stepped in, followed by Liam and Louis. "Why are we here again?" Louis asked out loud as he stepped into the middle of the room all 3 having their backs toward us.

I followed though with what I was supposed to do and shut the door with a loud thumb, followed by the lock turning with the key I 'borrowed' from the janitor, if you cath my drift. All of them turned around in shock, followed by anger. Liam backed away a little. Tanisha clenched her fists and Louis already looked like he was going to go bonkers on Niall. Since no one had their anger directly turned towards me, I stepped closer to Niall. "What are YOU doing here?" Louis spat while taking a step forward. Man if looks could kill, the leprechaun would be dead.

"Back off bud." I said back calmly. "Malik, you don't want to piss me of right now." Louis spat madly. "I'm making sure you don't kill him." I growled back. "WELL  after what he did to Lauren, he's Lucky he isn't dead yet!" Louis shouted, putting emphases on yet while stepping closer, making him stand face to face with me and his eyes were flaming. "SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN, this is importanted then you think" I said back to him.

"And why should we listen to you?" Tanisha said suprisingly as she pulled Louis back a little. "Because it involves Lauren." I said seriously as Niall was still trying to get out of his debat in his head. I don't exactly know what's going on in his head but I'm pretty sure it'll take awhile. "Oh this will be amusing." Louis spat while sitting down. Liam and Tanisha following his actions. I turned back to Niall and slapped the back of his head, getting him out of his trance. "Talk, explain, make them understand." I demanded while leaning against the door.

Niall's P.o.v.

"Talk, explain, make em understand." Zayn demanded and as a lost puppy I stared into everyone's eyes. I can't seem to find the right words. "Well?" Tanisha asked impatiently. "I made you guys come here, because I need to explain why I did what I did to Lauren." I said quickly. "Shouldn't Harry be here then? To be proud of the broken heat you gave a girl, an innocent girl." Louis said as he raised his voice. "SHUT UP AND LISTEN." Zayn growled. He wasn't in a happy mood about their unwillingness and my lack of words.

"I dumped Lauren because It was eather that or she'd get hurt." I said simply. "Yeah right." Louis scoffed and for the first time Liam stepped in. "Louis, shut up and let him talk for once." Startled Louis groaned madly and shut up. "An unkown person has been calling me lately and all she wants is revenge. It seems there is more to Lauren then she says." This time Tanisha interupted. "Why would Lauren lie about her past? I know her like the back of my hand?" "Okay, then tell us which school she went to before this one, and why did she leave?" I reasoned with her.

Tanisha looked indeep thought. "Well, she avoids that subject alot so I don't know." She finally said. "Well, there must've happend something and whoever is calling me, wants to use it against her." I said concluding it all. "And why are we here again?" Louis sighed defeted. "We want to help Lauren." Zayn said while lifting himself up from the door and put his hand on my shoulder. "But we need your help." He continued. Everyone looked a little startled and then started to question us what we were planning so we explained everything.

"So are you in?" I asked seriously

"I'm in." Liam said.

"Let's do this poo." Louis smiled softly.

"It better be worth it Horan." Tanisha said still untrustfull towards me.

"It will be I promise."

Little did they know that putting your nose into someone else's business, can be dangerous at times....


This was more like a chapter filler the action will start soon and the ending is near :) I also decided that there won't be a sequel or anything to this as I'm already working on to many books :) I'm thanking you all for being so amazing and for the next chapter I'll need 20 comments and 25 votes <3


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