Chapter 3 : Be myself

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Niall's P.O.V.

Oh great I overslept. Anderson is going to kill me. I've never showered and got ready as fast as I did today. I checked my phone while I was running to school. 2 Missed phone calls and 6 messages. All off them from the boys. They weren't happy with me not showing up. I couldn't help it. Oh god, once I get there, I'll be dead. AND I'M SO HUNGRY. We'll I'm late anyways. DETOUR TO NANDO'S.

After I had my Nando's, I arrived at school. I walked up to mister Anderson's door and walked in. I didn't bother knocking cause I would get a lecture anyways. "Ah mister Horan! How nice off you to join us." I glanced over to the place where Lauren sat yesterday. She wasn't here. Why did I feel kinda dissappointed? "I'm sorry sir." I mumbled as I walked over to the guys, who were shooting me death glares.

"Where were you you cunt! You know I hate waiting! Definitely when you never planned to show up!" Harry whisper-shouted. I shrugged it off. They kept insulting me and saying how disappointed they were and stuff, but I just zoned out. I looked up to find someone staring at me. I saw the most beautiful girl staring at me and then looking away blushing. I love it when girls do that... Why do I feel like I've seen her before? She looked at me one again, her Beautiful dark brown eyes locking on mine. Lauren. It's her, it just has to be.


The rest off the morning was a drag! The classes were boring and there were rumours spreading over some kind off dance battle. Notes where past around, until one note finally was past out to me.

Have you seen the new chick? xo

She battled Chelsea and won without even trying!

Isn't that Lauren?

She dresses diffrent, looks good

-Harry xoxo

Damnit, Harry noticed again. The dude can barely count to ten or remember his own name, but when it's about a girl he knows every detail. I crumpled the note and threw it away. I need to talk to Louis. I might have a crush on Lauren. I mean why wouldn't I? She's cute and has an attitude. Uh-oh. If Harry finds out I'm dead. He doesn't like any sort of competition.

Louis P.O.V.

I haven't seen Niall this morning. I'm worried about the little pumpkin. He's like a brother to me. It's lunch break now and I'm searching Tanisha. I lent a book from her yesterday. I looked around tha café when I noticed Lauren standing in the corner. Since I'm cool with the Cats as I like to call them, there would be no problem if I just go and talked to them.

I walked over to Lauren and she seemed to notice since she shot me a sweet smile. I couldn't help but check her out. She lookes beautiful. "Hey lou!" she said as she enveloped me into a hug an kissed my cheek. "Hey Lauren, you look diffrent?" She looked down and sighed. "About that, can we talk? Tanisha told me you're a great listener..." Tanisha and her big mouth. Oh well, Lauren's a sweet girl. I don't mind if she needs my help. "Sure." I grinned as I extended my hand and said "M'Lady" cheekly. She smirked and linker arms with me as we walked outside towards a bench in the front yard.


"Soo... What's up?"I asked, trying to break the silence. She sighed. "Lou, I agreed on something I can't do alone. I've only been the leader off Cat's crew for like one day and I'm scared. I'm scared that they will turn their backs towards me and end all alone again." I looked at her confused. "Why would they turn their back on you and why would you be alone again?" You've got me right?" She nodded and looked at the ground, a tear escaping her eye. "It's just that I've been used to people turning their back on me, leaving me behind for someone better. And I know I have you but still, you can't keep hanging around with me can you? You're like super popular and for the moment I'm like a badgirl who'd dares to do anything. But I'm not that, I'm not me!" She broke down in tears on my shoulders. "Sssh, it'l be alright. Tell me what's on your heart okay?" She nodded and started from the beginning.

"You've had a rough life Lauren, maybe you can't be yourself around here, but what if you'd find a place where you can fully be yourself? I've got a place like that, not far from London. You should find one too?" Her head shot up and she quickly dried her tears. She gave me a kiss and yelled Thank you as she was rushing towards the Front gate. "Lauren you still have classes!" I yelled after her. "I'm DITCHING, WHO CARES!" She laughed and ran away. She's a real strange girl, I said to myself grinning.


Niall's P.O.V.

Harry and Zayn have been drooling over the new and improved Lauren all day. Talking about her looks and her attitude. Not tha I don't agree with them, it just sickens me that they don't shut up about her. We sat at a table in the café where they could see Lauren with a clear view. They've been watching her since. "Hey" Harry growled suddenly. I looked over there to see Louis and Lauren acting very close and taking off to the frontyard together. Zayn needed to calm Harry down. He doesn't even like her, yet he claims her as his own. I couldn't help but feel angry.

"Harry Boooo." Chelsea chirped as she sat down and kissed him. He groaned and kept his attention on his food. I glanced at Zayn giving him my 'here it comes' look. He smirked and looked over at Chelsea. "HARRYYY BOO!" She whined and put her hand on his knee. I snorted The whore! Harry rolled his eyes, turned to her and started snogging her. After a few minutes he pulled away. We all knew what was coming next.  I looked back over to Zayn and we started counting down the seconds. And a 5,4,3,2,-. And I pointed over to Chelsea who was now whining : Harry Boo, are we together now?" Harry groaned. "We've been over this! We're just friends." She huffed and walked away with her posy. This was going to be a looonnng day.


I was right, the day was long and boring. I've blocked most off it out. I practically ran home. This was my favorite part off the day. I run home, take my guitar and go to my favourite place in the whole world. 

Lauren P.O.V.

I'm glad I took Lou's advise and find a place for my to be alone. After our talk I ran back home and putt off the stupid dress and took most off the makeup off. I did the curls out off my hair and took my bag, which i filled with stuff to pass  my time with. Mariah wasn't home so there wasn't a probably with sneaking in and out

And now I'm sitting here for already 2 hours. I've been playing random songs on my guitar the whole time. It felt great to be me again. Just me. Suddenly a song popped into my head which I thought really describes my situation or atleast about how I feel. I started singing and juming and dancing around with my guitar as I sung Who you are from Jessie J. At the end I had a few tears in my eyes. I've lost myself in the blur off the stars. I put down my guitar and heared someone applauding. I turned around and anger filled me. "WHAT are YOU doing her!?" I hissed


Uninvited guest ^^ Dun dun dunnnnn. Who's there? And why is Lauren so pissed off about it? (At the right you can see a picture off Lauren without makeup and stuff, still a beauty :) )

You'll only know If you keep reading ;)

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The New Girl (A Niall Horan Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora