Chapter 2 : Cat's crew

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In advance I want to say sorry for the quiality of the video, I couldn't find another video about it and since this story is a sort off dance and sing thing, musical if you may. You don't miss much, do.Atleast if you don't really like dance battles. Thanks for reading! Read vote comment and fan please :)




Niall P.O.V.

I've stormed out off the bathroom and ran to the front yard off the school. I've had it with those 2 cunts. They treat every girl like they're nothing and it sickens me. I couldn't help but smirk at the diss that Lauren gave Harry in the cafetaria. She's not just a nerd like everyone thinks. I think there's more to her and I'm determined to find out.

I bumped into someone, I must've been to deep in my thoughts. "Whoaa Niall? What's up, man?" Louis asked worried. "Nothing." I mumbled, trying to walk past him. "Look man, you know you can talk to me so just spil it already!" I sighed and sat down at the stairs. "It's Harry." I sighed, looking at the ground. "Aaaah another Styles  madness. Don't tell me it's about that new girl who dissed him." I nodded. "Niall... Whatever happened to us man? We used to be tight, you, me, Harry, Zayn and Liam." All the memories we shared came back. I smiled softly. "You and Liam left as Harry and Zayn changed." I said as I sighed. "We did indeed, and aldo you might think I'm a loner. I'm far from! I'm free and I don't have Chelsea hanging around me anymore." I grinned. No Chelsea? That would be awesome. " Louis, how come you still talk to me after I sided with Haz and Zayn?" He rolled his eyes. "Nialler! Your still you, I've never seen you bullie anyone, I've never seen you say something rude. Face it, your the underdog from the group. I have no reason to ignore you, besides ... I missed your carefree MOFO." I chuckled. "Thanks Lou, who knows, maybe one day I'll follow you and leave those 2 behind. But not just yet I guess." Louis rolled his eyes again. "You know Nialler, let's get back to the girl problem thing because this is just to lovey-dovey for me." I nodded as we started talking about the new girl.

"So it just grosses me out that Harry claims every girl, especially the ones he can't get. I want him to stop you know. And he'll come talk to you too about her because he wants her for herself." He sighed. "Well, I understand why he feels threatened because I kind off like her, but I don't know if it's in that way you know. She's pretty nice doh. But if Harry wants to talk about her than he can. But I won't stay away from her because he tells me. She's my type off girl, smart with an attitude, if only she just looked a little diffrent. Those glasses are cute but just not my thing. Anyway, do you like her?" I shrugged. "I barely know her, so I don't think so. She just seems really nice." Louis nodded. "Well mate, it was good talking to ya, but since were here for already 2 hours and I have a free period now, I think I'll just go home." I nodded an we gave each other a bear hug. It might seem gay but it's not like that. We released from the hugs and bith went our seperate ways. I still had gym this period but I didn't feel like being around Harry and Zayn, so I'll just skip school for an hour.

Cat's P.O.V.

Lauren was busy choosing some clothes from the store. We threw away half off her closet and decided to get new clothing. I'm leaving London Arts. Everyone thinks I'm suspended, but that's not the case. My dad had a car accident while he was in America and well, my mom decided to go there for quite a while, so I need to drop out off school. I made a choice to keep Cat's crew, but I can't keep it if I'm not there so I guess I need a new leader. Lauren's perfect for that. She has the moves, the voice and the attitude. Now only the style and we're done. I think Lauren will do us all good, she'll do the things I couldn't. I know she'll do what she needs to do.

Lauren came out off the dressing room and she looked amazing. She had the swag, the freedom, the style. "You look fantastic, now Lauren. I think we shopped enough. I kind off need to tell you something. Can we go back to your place?" She looked at me confused "Uh , yeah sure?"

Lauren's P.O.V.

"So, you're not suspended? Why does everybody say that you are then?" I asked Cat confused as she just explained me everything about how she needs to drop out and how she want's me to take over.  "I Dont know Lauren. They assume that because we don't have the best reputation or well, I surtenly don't have the best reputation. That's why I'm actually picking you as the leader, I think you can change some things, to show people that we're not just trouble makers. I guess it's good for our crew if I just back off a bit." She sighed and I could see tears stinging behind her eyes." This crew is your life, isn't it?" She nodded and a tear escaped her eye. "I'm sorry, people expect me to be tough and stuff an now I'm here crying like a little girl." She sobbed. "You know, people pushed me into this. My parents were never home and I practically lived on the streets and the moment you get your own crew, you just get attached to them. So it'll be hard for me, but I'll survive I guess. Just promise me that you'll take care off them. Your crew is your family, never leave them behind, Okay?" All the emotional talk got me crying.

So here we sat, crying and smiling at the same time. Crying because she had to leave and smiling because we feel like idiots. I can't believe after knowing Cat for like 4 hours now? She's so diffrent from how I saw her this morning. There she was though and badass. And here she is now, crying. Vulnerable and weak, just like me. I realized that image is everything. I need to be strong, not for myself or for Cat. But for the whole crew. "Cat I promise I'll take care off them okay?" She nodded happily. "You still need to prove that tomorrow cause well, Chelsea's a storm and she'll be coming." She said coldly. "And I'll be ready!"


I swear to God if it wasn't for the sake off the crew and tuff you'd never find me in these clothes! The dress is to ... dressy? I'm not really the type to wear dresses. I hate it. My makeup wus done nicely doh. I guess that makes up for it a bit, but not much. Cat told me the crew would be waiting for me so the people can get used to me being the leader. I can't say I don't like the leadership. Cat told me I shoul have a good enterance cause the Chelsea's already waiting for me in the hall. Well then. I texted her I'd be there in 2 minutes and then shut my phone off.

"Have fun at school honey!" Mariah called from out off the car. I walked over to the crew and they all welcomed me and were pretty nice. Cat told me to be as hard as stone because Chelsea would be mercyless. "I can do this. Let's move people!" I said as we walked towards the hallway. I could see Chelsea and a few other girls standing on the otherside. She looked pissed at us. There was no one between us. Let's just say they ran the moment they saw us. I smirked at myself, I won't let myself down, not this time!

(See the dance battle in the video blondie => Chelsea)

"Hope you had enough Chelsea because I was just getting started." My crew ooo 'd her and Cat walked up, giving me a shoulderpat. Chelsea, who was still laying on the floor groaned. "I'll get you for this BITCH!" She growled. I lifted up her chin zo she'd look me in the eyes. "Learn  to have RESPECT!" I spat in her face. She turned her head away, showing that I had won the argument. I high-fived the 2 girls who danced beside me. And we all walked off towards our classes.

I was planning to go sit next to Tanisha but Cat gestured me over. Tanisha gave me a small nod, saying I was one off them now. "I forgot to tell you you've done a good job with your looks. I like the dress. Anyway, sit next to me. We can discuss a few things." I nodded and sat down as she started explaining that even do a dance battle is harmless, it could still get me in a lot off trouble and stuff. I actually really don't care. It felt good standing up for myself.

"Mister Horan, how nice off u to join us." Mister Anderson said as the blond boy that backed up Harry walked in. "I'm sorry sir." He mumbled as he walked towards Harry and Zayn. They both started giving him rude comments about how late he was and something about yesterday. I couldn't help but notice how cute he was. He had a crooked smile, which made him adorable. He took a seat and glanced over at me. I blushed and looked back to the blackboard. I did not just embarras myself. That did not just happen!

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