Chapter 11: Sudden change of hearts

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Maaaaan you guys've hit that vote button like it was your job :o xx Thank though <3 I can't tell you how much this means to me as I always loved writing but people always kept telling me I wasn't good enough to be a writer. I still m unsure about my writing but aslong as you guys enjoy it right? :) On with the story ;d xx



Lauren's P.o.v.

The weekend went by quickly. Me and Niall haven't been talking much  azs every conversation we'd have was just plain out awkward as we both waited for one of us to start talking about the kiss. Over the phone I'd always hear him stutter a little and well, I wasn't any better as everytime I heard his voice I got weak to the knees en got redder then a tomato. It's weird to sayit took me a few weeks to know how I felt about Niall and even weirder that on the day I admitted to myself I was in love with Niall we kissed. Now I just spent the whole weekend trying to find out what I felt and what I wanted.

Truth is I wanted Niall and I am in love with him but that doesn't change the fact that we aren't even supposed to be friends. A friendship is already so hard to keep, can you only imagine what a relationship would do to us? It's already against ever fiber of my being to be rude or insult a friend so a relationship thing would just come out, blowing our cover and all hell will break loose for sure. I bet Niall knows that too. It's just so unfair you know, I really like Niall, but I promised Cat. I promised I'd take care of her crew, I promised I'd give them better days...

Sighing I packed my bags and to my biggest surprise, I opened the door to find a shy-smiling Niall leaning against my doorframe with a coffe and hot chocolate from Starbucks. "Hey." I smiled while taking my hot chocolate. "Hye" He said smiling proudly while wrapping an arm around my waist, oh why does he have to be so cute? "Niall, we need to talk about... Friday night." I sighed while taking his arm from my waist and dropping it by his side. "Oookaaay, talk." He said dubfounded.

"I like you , like really really like you-" "I like you to." He smiled. "But we can't go further with this, I mean a relationship would be so hard to keep from everyone." He stopped in his tracks and sighed. "Lauren, I'm not saying I don't want to hide it but I like you to much to stay friends with you. We're already eachother dirty little secret, why don't we just add the couple stuff to the list." He had a point. That is wha a dirty little secrets all about. "I don't know." I sighed. "Tell you what, if you feel sparks it's a yes, if youu only care about people seeing it we'll just stay friends." "What do you-"

I couldn't finish my sentence as he slammed his lips onto mine a little forcefully. I closed my eyes and enjoyed how perfectly in sync our lips moved. I guess we were a little clumsy as my back slammed into a black van behind me, that didn't stop us though. I could get used to this, the feeling of his lips on mine. The softness of his lips and the tenderness he uses when he's around me. It took me a while to proces everything as Niall pulled away breathlessly with a stupid grin on his face while I was still trying to catch my breath. "So what'd ya say?" He smiled while pushing a piece of hair back behind my ear. "Let's do this." I winked back while I leaned my forehead onto his. "Better whipe that of." I laughed as I watched a little smeer of lipgloss on his lips. "What? Oh Yeah." He smiled stupidly.


Classes seemed to be such a drag I couldn't wait for them to be over and luckily for me, the first 4 were already over. Now I'm sitting at the table with Louis and the girls. Laughing at all our teachers and the stupid things they say in class. When a certain blond headed devil decided to interupt.

"Here." She sneered as she pushed down a bill. "And what might that be?" I asked nicely while looking her dead in the eye. "The bill for my close and the cleaners who came to clean all the paint of the walls and filter the pool." She growled. "Aaaaah, and why do you think, will I pay the billl for your party?" I smirked while taking my drink in my hand and standing up, planning to go away. "Because you made the mess and ruined my party." She snapped. "Oh My Goooood , I did? Let me make that up to you." I smiled nicely while  taking her hands.

I shredded the bill and threw them above her head. "Here's your party, now do you want some paint stains or are you all good?" I grinned as I literally saw steam leave her ears. She went to hit me but someone stopped her, is that? Tanisha?

"You can go fuck yourself Chelsea." Tanisha smirked. WHOAAA what did I miss? Wasn't she the nice girl I met on the first day? "Tanisha." Chelsea stated angry. "You two are freaks." She sneered and then left the building. "Tanisha, long time no see." I smiled happily. "I know right, Oh my gosh I can't believe I did that." She smiled proudly. "Me neither but hey, you did right." I winked while giving her a bearhug. "Wanna join our table?" I smiled at her and her friends.  "Ofcourse." She smiled and took a seat.


I guess that's my que to leave to class and luckily me and Tanisha had the same classes This could be a cool day after all.


School was done and let's just say you couldn't wait to see your friend with benefits reallly bad. I happily skipped down the street and saw Niall standing outside the park, looking like he's between two fires. "Hi Nialler." I smiled as I went in for a kiss, only to be dodged by him and him taking a few steps back. "Niall what's wrong?" He got a little nervous and sighed. "Lauren I can't lie to you anymore." Okay now he's scaring me. "Niall, what are you talking about?" "This." He said as he was pointing towards me and him," Was never real, I followed you that day to find your hideout, I made you want to be friend with me to get to know your secrets, I made you fall in love with me. I used you. That was the plan all along." 

I think my world just crashed down. "W-what?" I whispered. "This was a joke, a sick joke." "What do you mean Niall! I thought we were friends! You can't do this to me!" I screamed at the top off my lungs. I needed to get my anger out, I needed him to say he was joking. " We never were friends!" He whispered. Stab, another knife right through my heart. "Goodbye Lauren." And he walked away, leaving me there with the tears streaming down my face. "This can't be happening." I whispered. He can't be serious, this cannot be happening..


Well well, why did Niall have the sudden change of hearts? What happened, was it really just a sick joke? You'll find out in the next chapters :) xx Which you guys will get once this chapter reaches 100 reads, 15 votes and 10 comments? Just so I can take some time off cause this story goes fast ;) xx

Love you peasant <3



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