Chapter 8: secrets

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Lauren's p.o.v.

I woke up in the morning, feeling slightly irritated by the uncomfortable position I was currently laying in. "Good morning Miha, did you sleep well?" Mariah questioned as she put my breakfast infront of me. Something dawned up on me, Niall. Where was he?

"Mariah, where is Niall?" I asked as I looked around in search of him. "Well I came home at six and found you 2 cuddling on the couch. I took a picture, ofcourse." She rambled on as I groaned in response. Why'd she have to take a freaking picture. "But I forgot that the flash was on and accidentally woke up the boy." She continued. Great she made a great fool out off me. " He smiled at me and then looked down at you with the most adorable look in his eyes. He untangled himself from you and stood up slowly, explaining me he had to go home. He left you a note though." She smiled as she pointed towards. "Please tell me you didn't read it." I groaned as she kept a smirk on her face. "Noooo..." She giggled as she dragged out the word. "Oh and you beter get ready for your little before school date." She giggled as she exited the room. "Mariaaaah!" I whined a I picked up the note.

Dear Lauren,

I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye,

but I couldn't bear to wake you up as you looked like a sleeping beauty.

I meant what I said last night, I'll always be here for you. Thanks for letting me stay on Poochy's B-Day btw. I'll pick you up before school.

See you soon,


I smiled at the note. It's so sweet he's going to pick me up. WAIT, he's going to pick me up, in less then 30 minutes!? I rushed up the stairs in a matter of seconds. I stopped infront off my mirror, my hair was a mess, I had bags beneath my eyes and let me just say the rest of my still sleeping body didn't really look that great eather. I was never EVER going to be ready in less then 30 minutes.


I swear to God I've never been ready in under 30 minutes before. I was wearing a white top with sparkly neck, a plaid pants and a huge necklace I borrowed from Mariah. I was just finishing up my hair as I put it into a wavy look to give my outfit that little extra. I've never put somuch pressure on my appearance as now, I really hope Niall likes my outfit. That's just so weird, I normally don't care about how I look.

*Ding dong*

"Lauren! Niall's here and you're late for school!" Mariah shouted as I walked down the stairs. "Yeah Mariah, I know." I said as I took my purse which contained my books and kissed her cheek. "You look stunning dear, have fun at school." She smiled as she finished up the dishes.

Poochy swarmed around me as I opened the door to reveal a VERY handsome looking Niall standing in the doorway. "Wow." He breathed as he checked me out from head to toe. Poochy jumped his leg so Niall turned his attention to her and gave her a good pat. "Hiya Poochy, I see you ain't mad at me anymore." Niall chuckled as Poochy licked his face. "Poochy, go inside." I giggled and watched the lovely dog run back inside. "I hope you're not mad anymore?" Niall smiled as he gave me a cup of Starbucks. "Thanks you and no, I forgave you already." I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

We were almost at school when a thought passed my mind. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Niall, if people see us together, they're going to freak." I stated as I untangled his arms from me. His smile turned into a frown. "Oh yeah, another long day with Harry & the always lovely Chelsea." He sighed as he let his head fall down. "Nialler, this could be fun. We could be each others 'dirty' little secret." I giggled as I hugged him and kissed his cheek again. He hugged me back and chuckled. "So like hat each other in school but like best friends out off school." He smiled as he brushed some hair out of my face. "Yeah, kinda like that.". He nodded and smiled. "Yeah that could be fun."

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