Authors Note to Readers ~

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I'm extremely excited to be starting this story! I'm not sure if I've ever been so excited to start something in a long time. Especially since so much has happened lately. I won't go into details boring you, but rather, would like to ask you a quick question before I do start the story.
Have you ever stayed silent in fear, worrying what others may say or think, or if your words may come out wrong?

Have you ever drafted your thoughts because you just HAD to get them out of your head but didn't know what to do with them afterwards?

Leave your thoughts below, if your answers are yes or no, because I'd love to know.

If you're excited as I am to find out what happens next,
Feel free to follow me to stay updated, or drop a comment below leaving your thoughts.

Until next time, Toodle Doo Kangaroos  *waves from afar*
I wish upon you all nothing but warmth, happiness and peace ~
Ps: if you're looking for a sign not to give up right now, this is your sign. <3
My inbox is always open if you guys ever want to talk/rant/vent
so feel free to hmu if you do feel the urge xo

Stay safe,
Lots of love,

drafted thoughts (30 Days Challenge/CPN)Where stories live. Discover now