Day Seven

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I didnt know what to say, what to think, or what to do, still. The whole car ride so far is awkward, and silent. I made small glances at Niall, who was currently humming the words to a song. I wasn't sure what song, but it was beautiful. I dont have my journal right now, Mrs. Tomlinson does. Only because im supposed to be at a meeting, but im not. The car stopped at a red light, and i glanced over at Niall again, except he was looking at me this time. He smiled after we made eye contact. 

"Are we almost there?" 

I asked in a whiney voice, he rolled his eyes, but in a playful way. 

"We're almost there." 

He said, he put his hand down next tk his leg. After we started moving, i started getting hungry. Man i wish i had some food. I went to fix my jeans, when my hamd landed on Nialls. Eye contact was made as soon as it happend. I moved my hands away, and looked out the window. How embarrassing is this? I could feel my face going red.  

"We're here." 

Niall said as he pulled into a vacant park, it was lit up by street lights, and it was quite beautiful. I jumped out of the car, and we started walking. 

"So tell me, why did you want to, uh, commit suicide?" 

His words echoed through my head, "Why did you want to, uh, commit suicide?". I honestly didnt know what to say to this, i didnt even know why i wanted to kill myself.  


Niall waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Oh, sorry. Um, well i have been getting bullied, a lot my this girl named Em-" 

"Look it! Its Tessa! I heard she's had an abortion, and shes a bitch."  

I heard giggles coming from behind the girl who said it. The girl that said it was Sarah.  

"Tessas a ratchet, Tessas a rachet." 

Emma. It was Emma, how did she know i was going to be here? Why does she always ruin things? 

"Why haven't you been in school? Getting another abortion?" 

She said, i felt tears sliding down my cheeks. 

"Hey, look at me. Ignore her, you are beautiful. Dont listen to her bullshit." 

Niall said as he pulled my head up with his hand. He slid his hand into mine. 

"Play along." 

We walked passed Emma and Sarah, holding hands.  

"Tessa has an attractive boyfriend? Is she paying him?" 

I heard more laughs. 

"Actually no, i like Tessa alot. And she isnt paying me." 

Niall said, he smiled, and we continued walking down the path. 

"Thank you, her face though!" 

I said as i jumped into his arms. 

"Thanks for what?" He laughed. 

"For standing up for me, no one has ever been on my side." 

He hugged me tighter. 

"Anything for you." 

He said softly, then he parted us. 

"Let's go!" 

He shouted, we started walking again and talking about basically everything. At the end of the path, there was a giant lake. It was beautiful when only lit my street lights.  

"This is beautiful." 

I said, as i walked closer to the edge of the still water.  

"Saved your life!" 

Niall shouted, as he pulled me towards him. I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me. My stomach tightened, as he moved us from side to side. 

"Ya know, i never have met such a "normal" fan." 

He smiled as he let me go, and started walking towards the path again.  

"Well, im not an "obsessive" fan." 

He laughed at my comment. 

"We have some great fans." 

I nodded, he slid his hands into his pocket. Just then it began to rain, i lookes at Niall, and Niall looked at me, we both smiled.  


Niall said as it began to thunder. He ran like a scared child. I of course beat him to the car, as soon as we sat down, we busted up laughing.


"Today has been fun, Niall. Thank you." 

I said after we got home, he just smiled. 

"Im glad you had a good time." 

He opened the door, and Mrs. Tomlinson immediately came running over, handing me my journal, and asking a thousand questions. 

"Did you have fun?" 

"Was there any problems?" 

"Are you okay?" 


Niall shouted with a laugh. She smiled and headed back to the living room. Niall headed to the kitchen, and i was off to a room to sleep.

Day Seven 3/17/13;


Today is the start of a new me, i didnt once think about dying today. I didnt have that bad if a day either. Niall took me out, and almost got my mind off of everything. Until Emma showed up, which kind of ruined everything.. At least i thought that. Niall held my hand, pretending we were in a relationship. Like.. I almost.. Fangirled. I never Fangirl. But i almost did. Remeber how i said i was a Louis girl? Um... Im a Niall girl. He also held me really close to him, and rocked me back and fourth. I had amazing day. And Oh my gosh! Niall called me beautiful! Gahhhh! Like talk about getting feelings for him. Wait what? No. Not feelings. Not yet. Umm.. Im going to see my mom tomorrow, check twitter. And go back to my normal life, which is kind of upsetting. I dont know how things will go, but i guess we will find out. Goodnight. Xx


HELLO LOVELIES, HOW IS EVERYONE?? So i have been wondering.. Where are you all from? Not to be creepy! I just kind of want to know! Haha :)

So Niall and Tessa?!?!?! OMG OMG OMG.

SOOOO.. the shoutout goes too...
babbbbbblyingbaby ! Your comments are so sweet ! Thank you ! Go read her story/ies!

Also, i want to thank everyone who has been reading,.posting comments,. And sending me messages,. I love it, i love talking to you guys! Okay, im going to stop going on and on, okay bye! <3

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