Only You: Prologue

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She stripped down her clothes and feel it slide down her skin. She can clearly see the bright red glow that surrounds her wounds.

Hee Yeon headed to the bathroom to wash the dirt off it. She felt a deep throbbing ache as her skin gets damp by the water. The water goes down the drain with a mixture of clear fluid, dirt and some of her blood.

After she put on her clothes, she jumped on her bed and grabbed her journal and pen. It looks like an ordinary notebook with a spring holding it together, no designs, no cute stickers just a lot of scribbles in front.

Silence surrounded her room as she settle. She can't really hear anything besides the ticking of the clock. This is how she like it, she thought, peaceful. She can hear herself think clearly. Hee Yeon stare at the blank space in front of her and start to write.

"I have always wondered what it would be like if I saw him again. I thought I could toughen up and talk to him without feeling uncomfortable but like a coward, I couldn't face him. He was like a ghost from my past that I couldn't bare to face. Stupid, Hee Yeon! You're so stupid! I will make sure that next time you won't run..."

Hee Yeon shut off the lights and gets ready for bed before she could write anything further. She tuck herself in and shove her whole body under the soft blanket.

In the midst of closing her eyes the guy from an hour ago popped into her mind.

"Oh," she muttered, opening her eyes again. "I almost forgot about him!"

She try to recall his face but no matter how hard she did, she still can't remember. Hee Yeon really felt bad for him because his body received most of the impact. She regret that she wasn't able to say sorry properly or ask if he was okay or even help him get up. Her mind was maybe just clouded that she couldn't think straight.

Hee Yeon's eyes gradually closes and drifted to sleep as she still continue to regret what she should've done earlier.

"Damn, I can't sleep!" Jimin utter, staring at the ceiling, thinking. He can still feel his body react to the abrasions on his skin.

"Aish.. jinja!" he uttered again.

The broad empty space above makes him remember all that have happened.

Who is she? Why is she crying? Jimin continuously ask himself. Come to think of it, he almost got scared of her, he thought.

'You're really a scaredy cat, Jimin', he exhaled deeply.

He randomly move his body to find a perfect position to sleep into. He turned and turned but can't seem to find a spot. He start to remember her face again as he stopped wriggling around.

He remembers her long black hair which gives off this pleasant smell and her eyes, there's something about her eyes that he can't seem to forget. The tears gave her eyes such un-cunningly beautiful sparkle and it exaggerates the long lashes of hers. He suddenly found himself smiling as he thinks about her face.

"AHHH! Stop it, stop it!" he shouted, moving restless on his bed again but this time quicker.

Jimin noticed a flying object on his peripheral vision, coming closer and closer before he got the chance to turn his head...


A slipper hits his face making it fly off to oblivion.

"Go to sleep you idiot!" Yoongi shouts.

Jimin thought he disturbed his sleep and made him agitated. To Yoongi, sleeping is the best part of each day. He acts as if he doesn't get enough sleep but the truth is, he's always sleeping.

"Oh sorry, hyung," he replied as he scratch his head. "You go back to sleep now," Jimin forced a smile.

Yoongi points his two fingers to his eyes and point back at Jimin gesturing 'I'm watching you'. After a few minutes he immediately return to his dreamland. Wow, it's really unbelievable how he easily manage to sleep, Jimin thought.

He turned the opposite way and faced the wall. He touches half of his face gently trying to ease the pain that the wrath of Yoongi gave him. He closed his eyes and attempted to sleep again. He failed after a few more tries and still couldn't manage to fall asleep.

End of Prologue

A fan fiction is only a fan fiction.
No real harm done to the characters
of the story.

Writer's Note
Thank you for reading the Prologue of Only You. Please feel free to comment below your opinions: english/tagalog, negative/positive or even questions if there are things that aren't clear to you. And I will try my best to respond with every comment and answer it without leaving any spoilers. Once again, thank you!

The first chapter will be officially posted on Wednesday, July 22 2015.

ONLY YOU of BTSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora