➳ Chapter 11 - The lab attack

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Claire pulled up at the lab.

"Everyone get out! Come on" We all ran into the building. We followed Claire round all the corners until we got to the lab. We walked in.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Claire.

"I don't know" Owen answered quietly.

"They evacuated" Claire said. We all walked into a little room. There were glass cages piled up on top of eachother.

I peered into the first one and saw what looked like a two headed snake. I turned towards Zach who looked as shocked as I was.

The lab was full of crazy stuff, no wonder that Indominus is so crazy.

"Well, hello there" We all jumped a little and turned. Hoskins came walking into the lab.

"What's going on Hoskins?" Claire asked clearly annoyed.

"I'm sorry but that's above your payment" He smirked.

"That's not a real dinosaur" Gray said pointing towards the screen with the Indominus Rex on.

"Well done, kid" Hoskins answered.

I couldn't listen to him go on anymore. I turned around and started looking around. I looked back at Zach and smiled. I turned my head as something caught my eye.
Echo came stalking into the lab, no care in the world.

"Behind you!" I shouted. Echo came jumping through the window. Hoskins backed up against the wall.

He put his arms up. I ran over to the safety of Zach and Owen.
Owen stood in front of us protecting us.

"Hey, I'm on your side" Hoskins said to Echo "We are a team yeah. You can trust me"

Before Hoskins could say anything else Echo took a chunk right out of his arm. Hoskins screamed in pain.
I covered my mouth trying to hide the whimpers that would escape my mouth.

Echo pushed Hoskins through the glass window. Blood shot everywhere.

Owen pulled us all away running for the exit. Glass smashed behind us as I turned I saw Echo on the floor trying to get up.

"RUN!" Owen shouted. We all ran for our lives. Zach had hold of my wrist pulling me along whilst Claire had hold of Gray's.

"We're gonna die!" I screamed. Scared for my life.

"Don't say that" Zach squeezed my hand tighter.

We all ran through the doors but were stopped when we saw Charlie, Echo and Blue all surrounding us.
Owen tried to get us into a small circle. He walked up to Blue.

"Hey Blue" He smiled at her. He grabbed the gun off his shoulder and placed it on the ground slowly, not wanting to startle her. "Just me and you" He used small movement's.

He leaned forward and unclipped the camera leaving it fall to the ground. Blue stood there and obeyed. She knew she could trust him. I smiled to myself. Maybe we will be alright after all. I looked behind Blue and saw puddles shaking on the ground. Ripples were forming. There could be only one thing causing them.

"She's coming" I whispered to Zach.


"The Indominus"

I looked up and the beautiful creature came walking round the corner.
Her white scales glimering in the moonlight.
I gulped. Our only chance is to hope that the raptors trust us.

The Indominus walked straight up to Blue communicating with her.
Blue spoke back but something was different. Blue looked back at us.
She gave Owen a little nod.

Owen was their Alpha once again.

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