➳ Chapter 6 - dimorphodon attack

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We jumped out the car and ran into the park. Everyone looked so normal just walking round.

"I have to go find Katie!" I looked around

"We can't split up!" Zach shouted.

"I have to! She's my best friend! She has to be here somewhere. I'll meet you back here. You go find your Auntie!" I ran off but was stopped.

Zach turned me around and he smashed his lips into mine. I fell back a little bit but Zach stopped me. I felt myself kiss back. He let go.

"You better get back" Zach said. I felt my cheeks blush and I smiled. I turned around and went searching for Katie.

I walked off hurrying up knowing the dimorphodon's were coming. I couldn't see her anywhere.

People started to scream around me. I looked up at the sky and saw the dimorphodon's. Crap. I started to run around like a crazy person. There was a sharp scream from behind me.

I turned around and saw a man getting attacked by one. His kids stood there crying. I looked around but no one was helping them. I ran over and picked up the closest rock. I ran up and hit the dimorphodon.
It soon flew away.
The man thanked me and ran away with his kids.

People were screaming running around helpless. There's no way I'm going to find Katie here. I started to make my way back to Zach. He was standing there just as the women behind him got picked up off the ground.
I took a step back knowing she was going to die. I couldn't look. All I could hear were her screams.

I started walking forward but was soon knocked over on the floor. I looked up and saw a dimorphodon on top of me. I screamed so loud I hurt my own ears.

"CHARLIE!" I heard Zach shout. I started to thrash at the bird. Then it hit me. Its either me or this thing that's going to die. I looked round and saw another rock. I picked it up and started hitting the bird over the head with it.

I chucked it off my body. I turned around and grabbed the gun off the man that was behind me. Tears streaming down my face. I looked into the its eyes who was going to attack again.

"Im sorry" I whispered to the dimorphodon. I closed my eyes and shot the dimorphodon twice. I heard the faint squawk of it. It was dead. I looked away and wiped the tears off my face. I was nearly knocked off my feet when Zach embraced me in a tight hug.

"I thought I was gonna loose you" He hugged me tighter

"I'm not going anywhere" I said into the hug. From behind Zach there was the red haired women form earlier and there was a taller man beside her.

"Who are they?" I asked Zach

"This is my Aunt Claire, and her uh boyfriend Owen"

"He's not my boyfriend" Claire said. She smiled at me. I turned to Owen.

"I see you can defiantly look after yourself there" Owen said reffuring to the dimorphodon.

"Yeah, I didn't want to kill it"

"Well, we have to go"

"Claire, Zara died" Gray said

"I know. Come on. Let's go" She gave him a hug and kept him safe. Zach grabbed my hand and followed them.

"Did you find Katie?" Zach asked

"No, I hope she's okay" I felt pain go through my body, both physical and mentally. I really need to find her. Zach gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"We will find her, trust me" I smiled and carried on walking.

"Come on!" Owen shouted to everyone. We all climbed in a car.

There was a gate in front of us which was being bashed down by all the people desperately trying to escape. All of a sudden it got knocked open and a herd of people came screaming through.

"GOO!" We all shouted at Owen who drove backwards into a slot. We all sat there in silence for a bit.

"Never leave us again" Zach shouted.

"I'm never gonna let you out of my sight!" Claire turned around.

"Uh, we were talking to him" Zach and Gray both pointed to Owen.

"Yeah, defiantly him" Zach and Gray finished.
We got out the car as soon as it seemed it was quiet. Claire's phone started ringing. She answered it.

"Hello?" She said into it. I still had hold of Zach's hand. Not planning on leaving go.

"What do you mean using the raptors?" Claire said again

"Son of a bitch" Owen said "we have to go. Now!"

"You shouldn't say bitch" Gray's little voice said from behind me.

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