➳ Chapter 5 - Jurassic Park

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Water hit my face as I held my breath staying under the water. My eye sight was getting blurry. I couldn't hold my breath for much longer. I was about to swim to the surface when something pulled me down. I saw Zach holding his finger to his lips.

I tried to stay under a little longer but couldn't. I swam to the surface taking a deep breath in. I swam to the edge and got out as fast as I could.

I leant against the nearest tree taking big breaths in. My hands were on my knees. I admit, I am terrified.

My hand went to my cheek remembering the piece of glass that cut me. It hurt so bad. I looked at Zach and Gray who were walking over.

"Let me have a look" Zach said.

"No its fine" I turned away but he stopped me.

"Let me" I looked at me and he cupped face. He looked at my cheek.
"That looks like it hurts" He said.

"It does" I admitted.

"Gray, do you have like a tissue or anything on you?" He turned asking Gray.

"Yeah" Gray pulled out a couple of tissues and gave them to Zach "I'm not going to watch you pull that out" Gray said and walked away a little bit.

"This is gonna hurt so you can like hit me or something"

"I'll try not to" He put his hand back onto my cheek and I could feel a little prick .

"Is it out?" I asked.

"Uhh, no" He pulled again but this time it hurt like hell.

I grabbed onto his arms trying to stop the pain. He quickly put the tissue on my cheek.

"What about now?"

"Stop rushing me" He said and I let out a little laugh.


"Here, it should stop bleeding in a bit"

"Thank you" I smiled at him.

"You know, you can let go of my arm if you want but I'm not stopping you" He grinned at me. I quickly let go realising I was still holding onto him.

"Haha, sorry" I said awkwardly.

"Is it still hurting?"

"A little" I said back "Crap!" I shouted.


"I need to find Katie but I don't have a phone and we nearly died! What if we did die! What are we going to do?" I started to panic.

"Calm down Charlie!" He said "I'll get you safe okay! Trust me" He turned back to Gray. "Come on buddy let's go"
We carried on walking when Zach spotted a broken down car.

"Stay here" He gestured for me and Gray to stay but of course, we aren't going to listen. I followed behind him. Gray staying close to at least one of us. I looked around and noticed a door.

"What's that?" I pointed towards it. Zach started walking forward Gray closely behind.

He opened the doors. It looked abandoned. Zach grabbed what looked like a red banner. It had words across it but I couldn't quite make out what it said. He then grabbed a stick and turned to Gray.

"You still got those matches in that dork bag?" Zach asked.

"Hey! Don't be mean" I shouted at him.

"Sorry" he took the matches and lit the stick. The room was now lit up. Tree's were covering all the walls and ivy was sprawled across the walls.

Zach went around the corner with Gray. I stayed behind not wanting to know what was behind there. I was cold and wet. I hated this. A bird flew behind me making me jump and a little scream left my mouth. Zach came running around.

"Are you okay?" he came up to me.

"Yeah, it was just a bird"

"Okay stay close" He grabbed my hand and took me into a room with two Jeep's.

"Hey Gray" He put the torch down.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Remember when we fixed grandpa's car? Think we can do it again?" He smiled at Gray.

"We just need a few stuff" I let go of Zach's hand given his hand back. He turned and smiled at me.

I watched as the two boys fixed the car. I was getting worried that something was going to go wrong.

"Are we going to find Aunt Claire?" Gray asked Zach.

"Yeah we are. As soon as we get this thing started. Hey Charlie, can you jump in the front and turn it on when I say" I jumped up and went too the Jeep. I jumped in.

"Okay when you're ready" I shouted.

"Okay now!" He shouted back. I turned the key and the Jeep started up. Zach and Gray high fived.

"You think it's out there?" Zach asked Gray. Gray's face went white "I mean, we are safe here" He smiled they both jumped in.

"I'm driving?" I asked them.

"Sure, I trust you" Zach smiled at me.

"Yeah, well I don't" I gave him a side smile. I moved over letting Zach drive.
I felt the wind hit against my face and my hair was blowing in the wind.

"We escaped a dinosaur!" I shouted.

"We did!" Zach laughed with me.

"What dinosaur was that?" I asked

"I don't know. But what ever it was it's dangerous!" Gray said. Everything went silent for a bit before Gray shouted.

"Drive!" Gray shouted.

"What why?" Zach turned around
"Zach! DRIVE FASTER!" I shouted shouted at him. I looked in the mirror and saw what looked like a flock of dimorphodon's.

Zach quickly put his foot down and the car was speeding down the path. We soon got to the gate and Zach and Gray were shouting.

"OPEN THE GATE!" But they didn't do anything.

"I don't think they can hear us" Zach said.

"OPEN THE DAMN GATE!" I shouted at the top of my voice. I could feel Zach and Gray looking at me. I just smiled. They opened the gates letting us drive through.

"We have to get back to the park now!" Gray said.

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