➳ Chapter 2 - T-Rex feeding

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"Its so warm! Can we please just go straight to the hotel" I nagged Katie.

"Fine! You can get changed then so you don't complain anymore!" She shouted back.

When we got to the hotel I went straight to the shower not bothering to see what the hotel room was like. I just really needed a shower.

"Okay Charlie! Its like 8pm so we may as well just stay here all night and start all day tomorrow! What ya say?" Katie shouted through the doors.

"Yeah sure!"
The sun shone through the window of our room. I checked the time and it was 7:30am. What was I doing up so early?

"You're awake!" Katie shouted.

"Wow! Don't shout! What are you doing up so early?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought we could get to the park earlier" She got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"Come on! Half and hour to get ready!" She slammed the door. I thought I left my mom back home?

I dragged myself out of bed. I hate mornings so bad. I walked over to the table and turned the TV on so there was something on in the background. I hate silence.

I picked out a pair of shorts and a black crop top from my suitcase and a grey jacket to go over it.
I let my wavy blonde hair down and put an elastic around my wrist. I did my makeup natural and waited for Katie to get out the shower.

"You are done already?" Katie looked at me confused.

"Yep! Come on!" She hurried over.

"You look nice by the way"

"Thanks Katie" I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
When I walked back out Katie was sprawled out on the bed fast asleep.
I laughed to myself and woke her up.

"KATIE! WAKE THE HELL UP" Katie jumped off the bed and walked straight out the door.

"I was always ready Charlie" I could feel her grinning as she said that.
We walked out and the heat hit me in the face. The air was heavy and stuffy.

"Why did we decide to come when it's too warm?" I moaned.

"You're from the UK, obviously you are going to find it warm Charlie" We went straight to a pyramid shaped building and opened the two heavy doors. The cool air conditioning cooled my face down straight away. I took in my surroundings. Kids were running around looking at holograms of dinosaurs.

"This place looks amazing" Katie said. She walked over to a table and started answering questions.

"I don't know any of the answer's Charlie!" I pushed her out the way and clicked the buttons. I knew my dinosaurs so this was easy.

"I wish I knew lots about dinosaurs like you but I'd rather not. It's too boring" She walked off again but I decided to play again.
Honestly it was entertaining.

All of a sudden I was hit out of the way by something. I turned around and saw a boy much taller than me

"What the hell?"

I glared at him
"Sorry princess, did I hit you" The boy said

"Shut up" I was about to say something else when Katie came from behind him.

"Hey, sorry. We are just going to leave" She smiled trying to pull me away.

"Katie! Why? He asked for it let me give it to him"

"No! I know you can defend yourself but here's not the place to do it okay"

I just huffed ignoring her. I looked around and spotted the boy from the boat. He seemed to be talking to a red haired women. I really want to walk over there and say something but I don't want to sound creepy. I mean, I already creeped him out on the boat.

"Hey, Charlie. Can we go see the T-Rex feeding?" Katie asked me pulling on my arm like a child.

"You can but I'm not going to watch a goat die sorry"

"Fine, but walk me to it yeah?"
We got to the T-Rex enclosure and I stood away from the glass. I hated watching animals die. I've always had a thing for animals.

"Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!" All the kids started chanting. That's just horrible. Katie came running back over towards me.

"That was so cool!" Katie shouted

"Yeah, can we go on the gyrosphere now?"


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