➳ Chapter 1 - The arrival

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"Charlie, are you packed yet? You are leaving in half an hour!" My mom shouted from down stairs.

"Yeah, I'll be there now!" I ran down stairs with my light blue suitcase pulling behind me.

My mom, Dad and little brother stood in front of me waiting to give me a hug goodbye. My older brother, Jake, was dropping me off at the airport to meet my friend.

"Hey my little Charles!" My dad kissed me on my forehead "See you in three weeks! I can't believe you are going for so long." My dad pouted I smiled at him. I gave my mom a hug.

"Remember stay safe and say hi to a dinosaur for me" She grinned at me. I gave my little brother a hug

"Bring me back a toy dinosaur!" He shouted. He was always an excitable child. I don't know where he gets the energy from. I hopped in the car and Jake drove me to the airport.
When we got there I saw Katie, my friend waiting for me. I hugged my brother goodbye and ran towards her.

"Charlie!" She shouted and I gave her a big hug.

"Katie, come on we are running late!" I grabbed her arm and dragged her towards our flight.

"I'm so excited Charlotte! I can't contain my excitement!" She smiled at me.

"I don't think anyone here can." I returned the smile.

"Do you think there's gonna be hot boys there?" Katie asked.

"Trust you to ask that." I laughed.

"What? It's not may fault." She acted offended.
The plane landed and a herd of excited people rushed off the plane. We were all waiting around for a boat to arrive and pick us up.

"Hey! Charlie, look at them boys." She pointed towards a group of boys who looked too 'pretty'.

"Nah, you're alright." I winked at her and she flicked her black hair towards me
"Don't talk to me." I jumped on her back.

"Oh come on, Katie! I was joking! I love you really!" I pouted.

"You're lucky you're my only friend here." She smirked at me. I let out a laugh.

"I am lucky." I grinned at her. I turned my head and saw a white boat in front of us where people started running onto.

There were people pushing each other out of the way. Me, being the kind person I am waited for everyone to get on. We got on the boat but our seats were at the back. I sat down tired from our flight and my eyes drifted off.
I was awoken by Katie hitting me which ended up with me holding a dead arm.

"We are here! Charlie wake up!" I woke up slowly taking in my surroundings. There were trees covering a beautiful island.

"Can we walk up to the front?" I asked her.

"Yeah! Good idea!" Katie and I walked up to the front of the boat. People were pushing other people to see the front and no one could get through.

I turned my head and saw a little blonde haired boy nagging what looked like his older brother, who might I just add, was cute.

"I can't see Zach! Please help me through" The little blonde haired boy said.

"No, do it yourself! I'm not getting paid to babysit you" I felt sorry for the little boy. He just wants to see the front. I walked up to the boy. What the hell was I doing? Just walking up to a random stranger. Way to get arrested Charlie.

"Hey," I tapped the boy's shoulder "do you want me to help you get to the front?" I gave him a little smile trying not to creep him out. The older boy sat there staring at me. He must've thought I was crazy.

"Yes please! My brother won't help me." He pouted.

"You like kids?" The older boy asked.

"Uh yeah, I have a younger brother myself." I smiled at him. The young boy grabbed my hand and he pulled me into the crowd.

"Excuse me! Kid coming through!" I shouted barging people out the way. I was always one of those girls who doesn't care what other people think.

We finally got to the front and the view was beautiful.

Tree's covered the floor and there were mountains everywhere. You could here the slight sound of birds chirping in the distance.

"This is amazing! Thank you for helping me get to the front!" The boy shouted excitedly.

"It's okay. What's your name?" I asked him.

"My name's Gray. What's yours?" He smiled.

"I'm Charlotte." He shook my hand "You are a very charming young man." I smiled at him.

"Why thank you," He looked back at his brother "I should go back. Thanks again for helping me."

"Anytime Gray." I watched him walk to his brother. I looked over at his brother and right into his eyes.
We both locked sight for about a second until Katie knocked me out of my thoughts.

"So you chatting up little kids now?" Katie asked.

"No Katie, It's called being helpful. You should try it some time. Now come on let's get off this boat before I'm sick."
She laughed and pulled me back to our seats.

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