➳ Chapter 4 - The indominus Rex

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"See I told you. Up and close and personal with four... Dinosaurs" Zach said.

"Ankylosaurus, we shouldn't be here. And there's five dinosaurs" Gray said.

"Aren't you supposed to be a genius or something" Zach snapped "Look, one, two, three, four-" Zach pointed.

"Five-" Everything went silent as Gray pointed to the reflection.

As I looked into the reflection of the dinosaur my heart started to race. I slowly turned my head along with Gray and Zach.
I had no idea what dinosaur this was, and for once, neither did Gray.

Fear washed over me as the dinosaur opened its mouth and roared.

A scream left my mouth as the dinosaur pushed our ball. I could hear the silent cries from Gray beside me. The dinosaur knocked us right into the Ankylosaurus unfortunately, getting its attention. It turned around ready to attack the other dinosaur.

"MOVE!" I shouted at Zach as he pushed the handle forward trying to get away but the club of the Ankylosaurus hit our ball causing a crack to appear in the glass.

The ball tipped over and the ball was no longer working. This is it.

I turned my head to watch both dinosaurs battle it out. She tipped the Ankylosaurus over onto its back.
I could see what is going to happen. I closed my eyes shut not wanting to see the dinosaur die.


A tear escaped my eyes as I tried hard for no more to escape. Zach noticed as I felt his warm hand hold tightly onto mine. I opened my eyes and looked into his.

We were all scared for our lives when all of a sudden Zach's phone started to ring. The vibration went through the ball causing the phone to be heared from everywhere.
As Zach tried to reach for his phone I looked up through the glass and I stared right into the dinosaurs eyes. I tried to stay as silent as I could not wanting to scream.

"Zach..." Gray's little voice said.

"Yeah, hang on. I've nearly got it"

"Zach, look!" Gray said slightly louder. Zach stopped reaching for his phone and looked up.

Fear washed over him as he realised he was being watched by the dinosaur.

The dinosaur slowly turned our ball upright. I grabbed Zach's hand tighter. I tried to conrtol my breathing.

We were now looking straight at the dinosaur. She opened her mouth slowly and bit right into the ball. I started to scream. Panick washed over me and I started to feel claustrophobic.

The dinosaur smashed us down on the floor breaking the glass. Zach undid his brothers belt causing him to fall. He quickly undid mine and his. I fell to the ground causing a piece of glass to cut my face.
Zach grabbed me not given me a chance to touch my cheek, dragging me and Gray from the gyrosphere.

We started running through the thick mud. I heared the roar from the dinosaur knowing it was right behind us. I saw a waterfall in the distance and knew what we had to do. I didn't like this. I looked behind us and saw the dinosaur was closing in on us.

"RUN!" I shouted as we all tried to run faster. We got to the edge of the waterfall.

"We have to jump" Zach said.

"I can't" Gray started to cry.

"Hold my hand" I grabbed his hand hoping he would jump.

"JUMP!" I shouted. Wasting no time I jumped off hoping Gray and Zach were behind me. I waited to be hit by the cold water and hopefully, we were safe.

RUN ➢ Zach Mitchell Where stories live. Discover now