➳ Chapter 10 - They're coming

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Claire was speeding down the road trying to get away as quickly as possible.

"I'm scared" Gray cried out in fear.

"Its okay Gray! We are going to be fine" I leant down in front of him.

"Hold my hand and you will be safe" I smiled and put my hand out. He took it and squeezed it tight.

"There now you are safe" I smiled.

"Oh no no no!" Zach shouted. We all looked at him

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"The Raptors are following us!" He shouted. I turned around and saw Echo and Charlie running up to the back of the van.

"Oh god no!" I looked around for a weapon of some sort. Nothing. Zach picked up what looked like a gas tank and started to roll it off trying to hit the raptors. The raptors dodged it carrying on with their task. Trying to kill us.

I looked at Charlie right in her eyes but they weren't her real eyes. Something about her was different.

"Charlie! We have to think of something!" Gray started shouting

"Okay okay! I know" Okay Charlie. Think. I turned around and saw two shockers behind Gray's head. "There!" I grabbed two and gave one to Zach.

"How do you work this?" He asked fiddling with it.

"You just hit them with it" I went up to the edge and got ready to shock them. I can't do this. It isn't there fault. I turned back to Zach.

"I can't do it" A tear slipped out of my eye. Zach moved forward to the Van.

"Okay! Let's do this!" Charlie came running right up to the van and jumped onto the van. We all screamed and took a step back.

"I don't know how to work this!" Zach shouted again. Before realising I picked up the other one and hit Charlie. She went flying backwards rolling onto her back. I stumbled back getting my balance back. I dropped the shocker. And stared at Charlie on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Zach asked

"Yeah. Where's Echo?" I asked. We all looked but couldn't find her.

Claire started to scream at the front of the van. We all turned and saw that Echo jumped through the window and landed on Claire. She turned the van straight into the tree causing Echo to fall out of the van. I sat back down catching my breath. This day has been so long. So much has happened in one day. The sound of a motorcycle could be heard and Zach and Gray shot up.

"Owen!" They both shouted. Owen drove up beside Claire and started talking but we couldn't quite hear.

"That was brave" Zach smiled at me

"I couldn't do it to start off with! I could've gotten you all killed!" I shouted

"But you didn't! You saved us Charlie! You saved us" He took my hand into his "And I owe you for that"

"You don't owe me for anything" He kissed me on the cheek and went back to his seat.

"Where are we going?" Gray asked Claire.

"Back to the lab. I have the key"

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