Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"It's quite obvious, isn't it? I'm here to help you."

Andrea scoffed. "With what? My painting skills."

"More like handling-being-a-demon-skills." He said and turned back to the painting. He casually picked up a brush and started blending the black line into the background, his fingers looking as though they were made to create.

Andrea stared at him in shock. How did he know about that? Was he a demon too?

"W-What?" She stuttered.

Theo didn't look at her and kept moving the brush against the canvas in a gentle --almost hypnotizing—manner. "There's no need to look so shocked, love. I don't believe I said anything rude or offensive."

He turned to look at her and Andrea exhaled sharply when his eyes flashed black.

"I'm a demon myself. Although, by now, they should've upgraded me to a Devil, but eh, life's though."

He dipped the brush in red and went back to painting on the canvas.

"Devil?" Andrea asked with a frown.

"They have a higher place in the underwold." He replied nonchalantly. "As I was saying, I'm here to help you."

"I don't need help."

It was his turn to frown. "If you want to become a demon, you will need to learn how to control yourself around others."

"And who decided that you should be the one to teach me?"

"You're the mate of a man who is going to become one of the strongest Alphas in the world. On top of that, your mother is very influential in the underworld."

His words, although not meant to hurt, made bitterness bloom in her stomach.

"Your reputation precedes you, and I hope I don't sound too full of muself when I say that training you will be very beneficial for me."

Andrea stayed silent.

Theo looked at her and his frown disappeared. "I'm sensing that focusing on becoming a demon is not your priority."

"As grateful as I am for your offer, Theo, I'm afraid that I can't accept it. Now please, leave my house."

He put the brush on the small table next to the easel which was propped in the middle of Andrea's bedroom. Theo walked closer to Andrea until he was standing right in front of her.

Andrea didn't like the way he was standing so close to her, it made her want to move away. Just as Theo opened his mouth to speak, a deafening screech echoed around them


  Andrea jolted upright. Well, she tried to, but two arms held her down.

  Her thinking was distorted for a few seconds, and she almost went back to sleep when Alexander's scent registered in her mind. But the screeching sound was ongoing, and it was starting to give her a headache.

  Alexander, on the other hand, was still sleeping like the dead, which was unusual because he was the lighter sleeper of the two. His chest rose and fell against Andrea's ear, his heartbeat a steady rhythm.

  "Alexander," Andrea lightly squeezed the hand resting on her waist to no avail. "Alexander," She raised her voice.

  A deep inhale then a small movement.

  "Shit," Alexander's voice was rough with sleep, which made Andrea's stomach do somersaults. "Sorry, baby,"

  He kissed the top of her head before pulling away slightly to answer the phone.

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