July 21 ~ Our time in between - Chapter 1

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And now, the 10 stories that happened in between my two fanfictions;

- Right after 'World's Apart'

- And before 'Lost in time'

This small series is called: 'Our time in between.' It is just a couple of shorts, 10 to be exact, that will tell about... I am not going to spoil that for you.



The restoration of Erebor was getting along quite nicely. You were helping to the best of your abilities. That is, when Thorin would let you of their room. And that only happened when you managed to sneak past the guards, avoid any members of the company who would also send you back, avoid Thorin though he was everywhere at the same time and if you managed to walk far without getting tired. You were so thankful for all the things that the company had done for you that you felt like you needed to do something in return.

Everytime Thorin managed to track you down and lovingly guided you back to the Royal Wing. He did understand why you didn't want to stay in the room all day by yourself. But it was so much safer for you there... What would he do if anything happened to his One and unborn child? He had almost lost you in the Medina Woods for starters. Thankfully he had been stubborn enough to lead his company to that cursed forest. If only that Gandalf wouldn't have been there... But he had been on time. Nothing to worry. Until the wizard had done it again.

He had stolen you from him, letting him believe that you were safe in your own world. Thorin wasn't stupid. He had known that you were still in Middle-Earth. The wizard had underestimated the dwarven King. That's why he decided to send one of the royal raven towards you when he had re-claimed Erebor. To see that the raven didn't have to travel far had only empowered him. No one would be able to deceive him. You had come back to him right before... The Battle of the Five Armies. Where he had believed you had given your life for his.

Gandalf had explained everything afterwards. Talking about it like there was nothing he hadn't planned. But losing you was all too real to Thorin. The fear in his heart when he thought he had lost you forever. The tears in your eyes as he held you while they buried Marriet. It's like the wizard only thought about his own needs instead of thinking about the lives of others. It may have all been important to the future of Middle-Earth but it wasn't worth losing you.

He had gone absolutely ballistic when he found out that you were not only pregnant but that the wizard had known about it before he send you on your quest... Dain, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bofur and Dori had tried to hold him back. The wizard was just smiling at him like he didn't know what the dwarven King was angry about. He should have cut his head off when he had the chance. Gandalf would come to Erebor two weeks from now to see if he could help. Thorin was already thinking about possibilities to poison him. Maybe something in his drink would work...

Life was going in the right way. Thorin smiled more often then not now that he had his love by his side. Maybe not physical but he knew that you would be waiting for him at the end of the day. Maybe not in your own room like he wanted to, still, you were waiting. He made it is job to shower you in presents. You would never have to ask for anything. He would provide you with everything you needed. The room for your child was already built, waiting for it's little inhabitant to come and lay down in it's crib. Even though both of you knew that the small child would be sleeping in your own room, next to your bed for at least the first year.

Thorin didn't want to risk anything if it was about the lives of his loved ones. He couldn't wait to hold the little bundle of joy in his arms. Secretly, he was already thinking about baby names. You would have given him that look again if you found out. It was the same look you send him when you woke up to him softly speaking to your stomache. He always massaged your back if it ached and did the same for your feet. He instructed the cook to give you any food you required. And he held you tight, but not too tight, when you were sleeping. His hand was always draped over your stomache so he could feel the movement within. It was perfect.

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