The Finale

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"PUSH!!" I scream at Violet.
She pushes hard and screams before I hear a gentle cry.
"Luke... Our baby" she whispers.
I smile slightly and take the baby in my arms.
"What should we call him?" I ask.
She grins and shrugs.
"I'm not sure baby..."
I smile at her but can't get Eliza out of my mind.
She's finally left the rehab but she's not any better. She's depressed and she is so needy. She doesn't care for Rose anymore and she wants more drugs. Sometimes I want to give up.
"How about Joel?" I ask.
"I like Joel. Also, I'm moving into your street and I need financial support." She says.
I widen my eyes and shake my head.
"I don't have any money Violet. I barely have any for MY family, let alone yours." I say anxiously.
"OUR FAMILY." She snaps.
I shudder slightly.
"I NEED MONEY LUKE" she grunts and feeds Joel.
This was a mistake. An irreversible mistake.


"Where've you been?" I cry as Luke opens the bedroom door.
"Um" he starts.
"Oh wait, you've been with your whore!" I sob.
I cry harder and harder and remember high school. When we were happy... When I was happy.
"Mummy" Rose whispers.
"LEAVE ME ALONE. BOTH OF YOU" I scream and bury my face in my pillow.
I hear Rose scream and cry as Luke carries her away.
I hurry through my bag until I find the sleeping pills I was prescribed. I swallow 11 pills, gagging as I swallow each one.
I sluggishly walk to the bathroom and run a hot bath.
I step in and fall into a deep sleep.
This world was never right for me. It never will be...


I run upstairs to apologise to Eliza. I know she's going through a hard time and I was a little harsh.
I push open the bedroom door and see an empty sleeping pill pot on the bed.
What the fuck?!
I sprint into the unlocked bathroom to see Eliza in the bathtub under the water.
Her beautiful blonde hair flowing around her and her lifeless body floating slightly.
"Eliza!!" I scream and try to sit her up.
I try to make her wretch but it won't work... She's gone. She's actually gone.
I burst into tears and hug onto her cold, dead body.
I cry into her shoulder and kiss her cheek.
"El, I can't live without you... Why? Why did you do this? I'm so sorry. I miss you so much. Please just say this is a joke" I cry.
I wish I could turn around and she'd be at the door laughing at me, like she would in high school. I turn, just to make sure but I see nothing.
"Baby..." I cry.
"Daddy, what are you doing?" Rose asks innocently.
I snivel and wipe my eyes, trying to hide my pain.
"I'm just saying sorry to mummy. Go watch some cartoons, I'll be there soon." I whisper through tears.
She kisses Elizas hand before toddling off.
I cry harder and harder into Eliza and wish she'd come back.
I can't live without her.
"El baby, I'm coming to find you. Rose will be safe. I promise" I sob before laying Eliza back down.
"I love you" I cry before wiping my eyes.
I stare into her dead eyes once again before grabbing Rose.
"What's wrong daddy? Where's mummy?" Rose asks as we drive to my dads.
"Nothing baby. Nothing. You are just going to stay with grandad for a while. Ok?" I say through gritted teeth, trying to keep it together.
"YAY GRANDAD!" She cheers.
I drive to my dads and drop Rose off.
"Come here" I say to her.
She comes over to me and I take her hands.
"Now, listen to me. Mummy and me will always be looking after you. Wherever we are. We want you to do well." I say, trying not to cry.
She smiles and nods.
"Daddy" she smiles and wraps her arms around me.
"I love you so much Rosie-Pops" I cry.
"I love you daddy!!" She giggles and kisses me.
I rub her cheek and smile at her slightly.
"Make us proud" I say before hugging my dad.
"You alright son?" He asks.
I nod and snivel.
"I'm fine. Just take care of Rose for me?" I cry.
He hugs me tightly but I can tell he's confused.
"Bye dad, I love you" I cry.
"LUKE" he calls but I leave and drive home.
I take a knife and walk into the bathroom.
I sit in the tub with Eliza before stabbing myself in the throat, then the heart.
"I love you" I splutter before everything goes black.

ROSES P.O.V. (14 years later)

"Grandad?" I call as I put my bag down on the stairs.
"In here Rose. I need to speak to you about something." He calls.
I can tell he's serious. What's happening? Is he sick?
I anxiously walk through to the dining room and sit down on the chair beside grandad.
"What's up?" I ask and smile slightly.
He stares at me and takes my hand.
"You know I always told you your mother and father were in the Maldives?" He asks.
I nod and frown.
"I think it's time for you to know the truth." He says slowly and hides tears.
"When you were almost 3, your mother took her life. She was a drug addict and your father couldn't live without her. I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was all over the news. Luke Hemmings and Elizabeth Hemmings found DEAD. I remember bursting into tears and you asking me what was up. Your dad made you promise him something, do you remember?" He asks me.
I wipe my eyes and try to hide my face.
I gulp hard and shake my head.
"He made you promise to do well and make them proud. He said him and your mother would always be looking after you." He cries.
I burst into tears but somehow it's quite romantic.
I wish mum and dad were here now. They aren't and I can't change it.
I bet my mum was beautiful... And I bet my dad and fantastic. From what my grandad says, he was the bomb.
He also said my mum was pretty awesome.
Their love story started with a game and ended with suicide...



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