Spoilt and Split

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*4 months later*

"Keep walking forward..." Luke mutters, keeping his hands over my eyes.
"You better not be shoving me off a cliff Lucas." I giggle.
He kisses my neck gently.
"Nah I wouldn't kill you." He murmurs.
We continue walking until he opens a door. A bell rings and Luke takes his hands off my eyes.
I blink to see a beautiful wedding dress shop.
I gasp and grin.
"Choose whatever one you like" he smiles.
I grin at him and kiss him.
I walk straight over to a beautiful, white dress which is like a princess dress. The bottom puffs out whilst the top is a beautiful sleeveless corset with a big white bow on the back. The net bottom has small diamond crystals on it.
I quickly check the price.
Fuck. I stop looking at the dress but Luke stops me.
"I saw the way you looked at that dress. I saw the disappointed look on your face when you saw the price." Luke says, picking up the dress.
"Luke what are you doing?" I ask.
"What size are you?" He asks.
"10" I say.
He nods and takes it to the front desk.
"Can we try this dress on in a size 10 please?" Luke smiles.
The woman nods and runs out to the back.
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.
"We can't afford it Luke. It's okay..." I whisper.
Luke shakes his head.
"We can afford it. We can afford anything you want." He smiles and kisses my nose.
The woman returns and smiles.
"Here you go" she says handing me the dress.
I go into the fitting room and the woman helps me put on the dress whilst Luke waits patiently outside.
I stare at myself in the mirror and smile.
The beautiful dress outlines my tall, thin yet curvy figure perfectly.
I step outside the dressing room and Luke's jaw drops.
"Does it look ok?" I ask.
"You look beautiful..." He stutters.
The woman smiles.
"It definitely looks nice." She says to me.
I grin.
I take the dress off and get changed.
Luke pays for it and grins at me.
"Thankyou so much Lukey. I know you aren't meant to see the dress but..." I say slowly.
"It doesn't matter baby, and I'm glad I have seen the dress. You looked fucking perfect." He grins.
We've planned and we are having it next week. It's scary to think that I'm marrying him soon...
I take my bag and his hand and we walk down the street to get a taxi. We have to pick up Hannah, Holly and Lucy from the airport, along with Luke's mates.

When we get to the airport, I buy myself a Starbucks and grin at Luke. My mums flying out later in the week but she won't be staying with us.
"ELIZAAAAAAAAA!" Hannah suddenly screams.
She drops her suitcase as she gets threw the gate and I hand my Starbucks and bag to Luke.
We sprint towards eachother and jump into eachothers arms.
"TWIIIIN" I scream.
Everyone's staring at us but we don't care.
We hug eachother for what seems like forever before eventually separating. I hug all the others before we leave and travel back to Luke's.
Ben and Jack have finally moved out with their girlfriends and Luke and I are moving soon.
As we walk I catch Calum staring at me.
"Hey" I smile at him.
"Oh hi" he replies.
He smiles at me and I return the favour before taking Luke's hand again.

We get back to the house and we share out the rooms.
"So what are we doing tonight?" They ask.
They must've slept on the plane god dammit.
"Truth or Dare?" Calum smirks.
We all agree and I quickly put my dress away.
We all sit in a circle downstairs and Calum volunteers to start.
"Hmmmm Hannah, truth or dare?" He asks.
"Truth." She replies.
"Ok who would you prefer to fuck out of everyone here?" He asks.
She stares around and turns up her nose.
"Probably Michael." She says.
Michael smiles at her slightly and she goes red.
"Okay... Holly, truth or dare?" Hannah laughs.
"Truth" she replies.
"Okay, which guy here would you want to go on a date with?" She asks, knowing the answer will be Luke.
"I don't want to answer." Holly says.
"You've got to!!" Hannah whines.
I smile and nod at holly.
"It would be Luke. But only because all of you others are gross." She laughs.
Luke rolls his eyes.
"Calum, truth or dare?" Holly asks.
"Dare..." He smirks.
"Okay, I dare you to kiss someone who you love in the room. Everyone has to close their eyes though." She says.
We all close our eyes and I shudder.
I feel warm breaths on my face before someone kissing my lips.
He sits back down and says done.
I open my eyes and shoot him a look.

He likes me?

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