The Bar

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"What...?" I spin around to see Calum standing behind me.
"You love me, not Luke. I know what you write in your diary..." He says slyly.
"You read my diary?!" I quietly shout.
"You said I was better at fucking... How would Luke feel about that?" Calum smirks.
I roll my eyes and turn away from him. I shiver as Calum's hand drop from me.
I turn around once again to see him glaring at me.
"The thing is Eliza... I've always like you. You've always liked me... We can't deny the connection." Calum said slowly.
I shook my head profusely and glared at him, then at the floor.
I have always liked him, but I'm married to Luke. I love Luke.
"Calum, I'm married. I've just got married. Please stop..." I say slowly.
My heart strings pull. Why can't I have them both?
I suppose I do like Calum, but I'm married to Lukey. I love him more than anything in the world. Plus I'm having his baby. It can't be Calum's.
We stare into eachothers eyes for a while and Calum leans in. In the heat of the moment, I kiss him but immediately pull away.
"I can't do this." I say, and run upstairs.
"This isn't over Eliza." He calls after me.
I shake as I get into bed and snuggle into Luke.
He jolts up and stares at me.
"Baby, are you okay?" He rasps.
"Oh yeah, I'm just cold" I lie.
He nods and kisses my lips.
"Angel, you do love me, dont you?" He asks anxiously.
"Don't be stupid. Of course I do, we literally just got married and we've got that honeymoon soon" I smile.
He hugs into me and kisses my cheeks.
He keeps his arms around me and squeezes slightly as he whispers to me cute things.
"The thing with you and Calum was a mistake right?" He whispers.
I nod and smile at him anxiously.
"Of course. I love you and only you." I reply.
Luke kisses my neck and rolls onto his side.
"Let's get some sleep" he smiles.
I snuggle into him and we drift off.

I scream excitedly as I open my eyes.
Luke looks up from packing and smiles.
"I've packed your case because we HAVE to leave in 30 minutes!!" Luke hurries me out of bed.
I quickly change and get ready.
I pull my hair back and put my bandana in.
I glare down at my beautiful ring and smile.
"You're so perfect baby." He smiles.
I grin back at him and shake my head.
"I'm not Lukey." I say.
He shakes his head in disbelief.
As we walk downstairs, Luke carrying the cases, I see Hannah in a huge sun hat and Gucci sunglasses.
"You're so weird." I hum as I stare at her.
She grins and we run out to the car.
As they get in it dawns that we can't all fit in.
Fuck this.
I call a taxi and the rest of them go.
Luke and I smile at each other and stare.
"You remember when I dated that bitch and you were my best mate?" Luke says slowly.
I nod and look away. No one should bring up ex's.
"I always liked you Eliza. Always. I was using Melissa for sex." He admits.
I giggle slightly at the thought of her. Slut.
The taxi arrives and we get to the cruise ship.
We all eventually board and the ship sets sail.
That night, we all decide to go to the bar...
"Want a drink?" I hear Calum say, downing a drink.
"Go on then." I smile.
He orders the tequilas and hands me my drink.
I sip it elegantly and straighten out my cute dress.
"You look beautiful tonight." Calum smiles.
I smile back at him and gratefully nod.
"Thankyou. You look pretty good too" I smile.
He smiles at me, then bites his lip.
"Another drink?" I say, breaking the stare.
Calum blinks away and shrugs.
I smile and order another round.
"Babyyyyyy" I hear Luke slur.
I spin around to see him drunkly walking towards me.
"Oh my god Luke. You're so pissed!!" I say, slightly jokingly.
"Let's fuck" he slurs.
I shake my head.
"Baby, cmon lets get you to bed." I sigh.
He giggles and I take him to bed.
When I eventually escape, I see Calum outside the door with our drinks.
"I thought I'd bring this to you" he smiles.
I smile back at him and take the drink.
Calum smiles at me and wraps his arm around my waist.
I shiver slightly but soon relax into his grip.
This is so wrong, I'm married and on my honeymoon, yet I have a dying love for Calum...
"So, do you wanna go back to the bar or...?" Calum asks.
I shrug.
"I don't mind. I have a headache oh god." I giggle.
That second tequila had a lot of alcohol in and I feel it.
"My room?" He smirks.
I smirk back at him drunkly.
I nod and we go into his room.
"So what do you wanna do?" He slurs, his alcohol breath mixing with mine.
I jump onto his bed but fall on my back.
I giggle uncontrollably and then Calum falls on top of me, making me laugh even more.
"Oh my god" I eventually manage to say.
I feel Calum tugging at my dress.
I shrug him off and sit up.
"I'm pregnant Calum... Stop." I say.
Somehow I managed to get up and wipe my eyes.
"Funny one" he slurs.
I run out of his room and run to Luke.
I get into my room to see Luke drinking a coffee.
"You ok babe?" He asks, now sober.
I nod profusely and smile at him.
I change into my night clothes and stare down at my small bump.
How did Calum not notice?
What if it's Calum's baby? It won't be.
I feel Luke's arms wrap around me and his warm breath tickle my ear.
"I can't wait until bump is out..." He smirks.
I turn around and kiss him.
"You do realise people fuck when they're pregnant, right?" I giggle.
"Why don't we then..?" Luke asks awkwardly.
"Because I don't want to Luke. I'm really nervous about this pregnancy... Sorry." I say, tearing up.
He kisses my tears away and stares at me dead in the eyes.
"It's okay. I understand.. I would be anxious too. I mean you have to push a human out of your... Errrr thing." Luke awkwardly says.
He's so awkward and sweet.
"I love you" I smile.
"I love you too"
Somehow I don't feel as if I love him like I love Calum.
I rub my bump and smile slightly.
"Let's get some sleep then. Apparently we are going on an adventure according to Calum tomorrow." Luke says, rolling his eyes but smiling.
I smile and turn onto my side.
I toss and turn until I eventually fall asleep.


Why does Eliza smile every time I mention Calum? I know they are good friends, and I mean she's cheated once but she's pregnant and we are married now... I trust her. I hope I trust her anyway.
I don't know.
I rub my eyes and sit up in bed.
4am. Great.
I sigh and stare over at Eliza who's muttering something.
"Calum... We can't do this." She keeps muttering.
What? What is she talking about?
What if she is cheating? I'm just going to confront her tomorrow.
I'm going to find out from Calum too. I can't bare this.
A single tear escapes from my eye but I wipe it away.
Remembering mum... Remembering her

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