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"A-Ashton please stop" I manage to splutter in pain.
My face is swollen and I'm dripping with blood. Ashton finally throws the ironing board and storms out the room.
I stay still, not able to move and I cry. I sob hard and can't stop thinking that I will die here.
I wipe my nose, covering my hand with blood.
If only I hadn't taken so long, this wouldn't of happened. It's all my stupid fault.
I somehow manage to get up and crawl over the landline.
I dial Luke's number and it begins to ring.
"Eliza? Is that you? Are you ok?" I hear Luke shouting down the phone.
"Nothing!!" I cry.
Ashton grabs the phone before smashing it.
"You can't ever just leave things alone." He snarls, grabbing my hair again.
I scream in pain as he continuously hits me.
"Please stop!!" I manage to spit as he wraps his hands around my throat.
I'm going to die here.
He squeezes tightly and I become short of breath.
I struggle and struggle, trying to get away from him but nothing seems to be working.
"Please!!" I whisper through tiny breaths.
My limp body falls to the ground. Why has Ashton stopped.
I hear Ashton groan in pain and I feel someone picking me up and carrying me away.
"Eliza..." I hear continuously.
I am placed on a bed I think and I can't hear the voice anymore... Where have they gone? Sirens blare and I feel someone squeezing my hand. I can't open my eyes... God dammit open your eyes Eliza. Open them... Imagine tiny Rose. You'll be ok.

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