THE mistake

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"What?" I stutter as I turn around to see Hannah.
"I saw you and Calum." She hisses.
I glare at her and my jaw drops.
"How...?" I ask anxiously.
Yes, Luke knows but it's embarrassing.
"When you were fucking, I came downstairs to get me and Mikey alcopops then I saw you. It was disgusting. What about your FIANCÉE?!" She hisses.
I shake my head and flush Crimson.
"Luke knows. We are fine though" I say simply.
Hannah hugs me tightly- a reaction I didn't expect. I hug her back and smile at her.
"Okay. Did you use a condom? Are you on the pill? What if you're pregnant? Who's baby will it be?" Hannah bombards me with questions.
"No we were drunk. No I'm not on the pill. If I'm pregnant we will deal with it. It'll be Luke's baby for sure." I reply.
Hannah stares at me until Ashton beeps the horn, causing me to jump.
We both giggle and run to the car.
Ashton and Lucy are in the front, Calum, Michael and Luke are in the back. Where are we supposed to sit?!
"Where are we meant to sit?" I ask.
"Either on our laps or in the boot." Calum smirks.
"I'm sitting in the boot." I say and go to the back of the car.
I don't care about legal things right now. I'm not sitting on anyone's lap in a car thankyou.
I open the boot and Hannah and I get in.
I curl up and slam the boot down.
"It's really cramped" Hannah hisses.
I roll onto my back and laugh.
"Obviously." I reply.
The car jolts forward before speeding to the bowling alley.

When we get there Calum runs to the back of the car and lets us out.
We walk in and get our shoes before going to our lane.
Ok I admit, I've never really been bowling, but I am not losing.
We split into teams- Me, Hannah, Luke and Michael VS Holly, Calum, Lucy and Ashton.
I'm up first. I grab a cute pink ball and go to the front of the lane.
I swing the ball down the lane but I goes down the gutter.
This is why I never go bowling.
I feel Luke's arms wrap around my back and hold onto the ball.
I wriggle slightly and giggle.
He helps me and I score 1 off a strike.

Finally we finish bowling, my team obviously win, and go to eat.
When we eventually get home, I go straight to bed and drift off to sleep in Lukes strong arms.

A few days later... (A day before the wedding)

It's a disaster. This is a disaster.
"Tell me when you're done." Hannah says, shoving me the pregnancy test and making me use it.
I groan and use it reluctantly.
I glare at it with disbelief. This can't be true... It can't.
I walk out the room, pregnancy test in hand and tears fill my eyes.
I nod and Hannah and she pulls me into a hug.
"But who's baby is it?" Was the question on both of our lips.
"You need to tell them both." Hannah instructs.
I shake my head.
"I can't... Not this close to the wedding." I sigh.
The door cracks open and Hannah shoves the test in her pocket.
Luke strides over to me and begins to kiss my neck.
I shiver slightly but warm to it.
"What's that Hannah?" He says, pointing to her pocket.
Hannah's eyes widen and she decides to pull out the pregnancy stick.
"Oh ummm" she mumbles.
I take it off her and stare at Luke.
"I'm so sorry." I say tearfully.
He takes the stick and stares at it.
A small smile spreads across his face and his fingers intertwine with mine.
"Babe... We are gonna be p-" he stutters, happily yet anxiously.
I nod.
"Yeah... I know. I was going to tell you and stuff but yeah." I say quickly.
Hannah smiles before leaving.
I sit down on the kitchen counter and smile at Luke.
His hands rest on my thighs and his head on my shoulder.
"Baby I'm so happy... I'm so so happy. I don't want to go out tonight. I want to spend it with you, unless you're going out." He says quickly.
I shake my head and giggle.
"Go out and have fun. The girls and me are gonna have a mani and pedi session, and I'm doing their hair!!" I giggle.
Luke smiles at me widely, then at my stomach.
"If you're sure baby." He smiles slowly.
I nod and smile at him, he interrupts my smile with a gentle kiss.
"Me and the lads are going out at around 8 boo" he whispers as he kisses my neck.
I hold onto the back of his head and a small smile spreads across my face. I'm marrying the man of my dreams and we are having a child. Well... If it's Luke's child.

Later that night, Luke goes to leave. His strong aftershave teases my senses, causing me to smile.
Luke's never really left me for more than a few hours. I'm going to miss him. It might only be a night, but that seems like forever.
"Bye Queen and bump" Luke smiles.
I smile at him and giggle slightly.
"Have fun babe, I'll miss you and love you loads." I smile, tearfully.
"I'll miss you too but I'll see you at the church tomorrow! Anyway, I love you more than anything ever but I've got to go. Get to sleep early tonight and look forward to tomorrow." He smiles.
I smile back at him as he leaves. I wave them off before returning to the living room.
"Girls, I have news." Hannah says anxiously.
I glare at her and shake slightly.
"Go on..." Holly says, prodding Hannah's arm.
We all giggle but Hannah's expression soon turns serious.
"I'm pregnant." She says slowly.
I gasp and my eyes widen.
"Wait, are you joking?" I ask.
"No... Michael doesn't know and he never will know. I'm not having this baby." She says.
I shake my head.
Oh god, I don't want this debate on my hen night.
Hannah begins to sob and I run upstairs to get the nail kits.
I return and slam the big black box on the floor.
"Who's first?" I giggle.
All the frowns turn to smiles and somehow, we convince Hannah to keep the baby.

Eventually, we all go onto the sofa with soda, popcorn and chocolate and put on Divergent.
Slowly I fall asleep, the wedding on my mind...

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