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I roll over and a smile appears on my face.
Luke sleeping soundly.
Its been ages since the dinner he made and Luke's moved back in.
"Hey baby" he rasps and pulls me closer to him.
"H-" I'm cut off by a small trickle of water running out of my panties. What is this? Am I peeing myself?
I stand up and more water runs out.
Shit. My waters have broken.
"Luke..." I stutter anxiously.
"What is it baby?!" Luke says jumping out of bed and running to me.
"My waters have broken!!" I screech.
"What does that mean?! Oh my god!!" He screeches.
I squeal and begin to panic.
"It means I'm pretty close to going into labour you twat!!" I say anxiously.
I change into leggings and a shirt and quickly get myself done before Luke drives me to hospital.
Luckily I'm not in pain.
I'm immediately rushed into the maternity ward, Luke squeezing my hand tightly all the way.
"Name?" The doctor asks.
"Eliza Hemmings" I say worriedly.
Luke gives me an enthusiastic smile.
"This is your husband?" She asks.
I smile and nod.
"Okay, you get settled in and alert us when ANYTHING happens." She says before leaving.
Well I feel terrified right now.
I sit up in the bed and kiss Luke's lips.
"How long until it happens?" Luke asks.
I shrug.
"I don't know. It could be hours until it properly happens... It could be minutes" I say slowly.
Luke smiles slowly before kissing my forehead.
"I'm hear baby and bump, you better hurry the fuck up." He whispers to my stomach.
We still don't know the sex.
"Don't swear!!" I giggle.
"Jesus you sound like Ashton." He laughs.
I giggle before a sharp pain hits me.
I scream in pain and grip the bed sheets hard. My knuckles go white and I scream once again.
"What's happening?!" Luke screams.
"GET A FUCKING MIDWIFE!!!" I scream in pain as another contraction comes.
Luke runs out the room and I scream in pain once again.
Sweat drips from my forehead and I panic.
Two midwifes come in and pull on blue gloves.
"Okay Eliza, we need to see how far you are into the birth. Just stay still for a minute and don't push." One says calmly.
Another hands me an oxygen mask and I breathe into it deeply as another contraction comes.
"Okay she's not very far but we need to start pushing to get the baby out safely." The midwife says to the other.
Luke grabs my hand and squeezes it.
"Push for me Eliza." One says.
I strain as hard as possible but it's too hard.
"I CANT" I scream.
Luke squeezes my hand tightly.
"Just keep breathing" he says and wipes my hair out of my face.
"I am bloody breathing" I snap.
He rolls his eyes and smiles slightly.
"Push!!" A midwife instructs.
I push as hard as possible and the midwife nods to the other.
"I can see baby's head. You need to pant for me please" the main midwife smiles up to me.
I grip onto the oxygen mask and takes small pants of breath.
Luke's worried face glares at me.
"You're doing so well babe." He smiles anxiously.
I ignore the kind gesture and begin to sob.
"It hurts" I cry.
Luke winces as another contraction comes and I push.
"The head is born!!" A midwife smiles.
"Small pants again!" She instructs.
I pant and can't help but imagine how bad I look.
"Okay, one final push and baby should be born." She says.
I push as hard as possible and scream loudly. I grip onto the bed and my knuckles turn white once again.
A small cry sounds and I relax.
"Baby is born!!" The midwife smiles and wraps the small baby in a towel.
Luke rushes to see the baby and grins.
"Mr Hemmings, would you like to know the sex now?" She asks.
Luke nods ecstatically.
"It's a..." She whispers in Luke's ear and a huge grin appears on his face.
The midwife hands me the baby and smiles at me.
"It's a beautiful baby girl." She smiles at me.
I grin and kiss my baby gently on the nose.
She stirs slightly but falls asleep again.
"We will need to run some tests but baby will need a feed" she smiles.
After I finish feeding her, they take her and do all the necessary tests and the results come back as fine.
"You did so well babe" Luke smiles.
"She looks like you." I smile up at him.
Her blue eyes stare up at me and her tiny rosebud lips leave a tiny gap between them.
"She looks like you" Luke laughs and raises an eyebrow.
I smile and our lips lock.
"I still want a DNA test Eliza." He slowly says.
I nod. I suppose I will have to give him that.
"What shall we call her anyway?" Luke smiles.
"I'm not sure. I've always liked the name Jade." I say.
Luke shakes his head. "Please I beg you, not Jade. I knew someone called that and she was a bitch." He laughs.
I laugh and can't wipe the smile off my face.
"What name do you like?" I smile.
"I don't really know. What about Daisy?" He smiles.
"I like Rose more." I insist.
"Fine. Rose Hemmings" Luke smiles.
We spend the rest of the night cuddling her and taking cute pictures.

A few days later the DNA results come to us.
I open the envelope anxiously, my hands shake as I take the paper out.
I read the results and tears fill my eyes.
"Luke... Come down here." I say.
Luke sits beside me, cradling Rose in his arms.
"Is Rose mine?" He stutters.
I purse my lips and wipe my eyes.
"She is." I cry.
We have a family hug and Luke sobs into my shoulder.
"She's mine..." He says joyfully.
Our lips crash together and Rose gurgles.
"My beautiful family!" I smile

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