I Cant Tell You

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"Mummy!!" I hear Rose screaming.
My achy eyes open to see Rose crying, her lip cut.
"Oh my baby!!" I cry and immediately grab her into a cuddle.
She screams in pain into my neck when I see Ashton towering over us.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He snarls.
I shake and tears fill my eyes.
"I'm not doing anything..." I quiver.
He laughs evilly and pulls Rose away from me.
"Please don't hurt her..." I cry.
He pushes her out the way and grabs my shirt collar.
"Stupid little bitch" he spits at me and slaps my face.
I fall to the floor and hold my stinging face.


I'm not normally I violent person... Honestly I'm not. It's just hitting HER. She's so vulnerable and ridiculous. She makes me laugh, especially when she thinks I love her. I like seeing her in pain.


"Please leave my daughter alone... Please" I plead.
He tuts.
"I'll think about it. Anyway, I'm going out. If you haven't cooked me a roast by the time I get home the consequences will be deadly." Ashton growls.
I anxiously nod my head and Ashton walks out the house.
"Rose, come her baby" I cry.
Rose toddles over to me and cuddles into me.
"Mummy will always try to protect you... Even if it costs me my life." I shakily say, trying to stop crying.
"I love you mumma" Rose whispers.
"And I love you" I reply and kiss her cheeks.
Once we stop hugging, I get on and cook Ashton a chicken roast dinner with mashed potato and Yorkshire puddings.
I set the table and get ready for when Ashton arrives.
"Mummy can I have some chick chick?" Rose asks.
I smile down at her and anxiously nod. I hope Ashton doesn't mind...
"Of course darling" I say, dishing up her food and putting it on the table for her.
I sit her in her high chair and smile at her as she eats.
My phone buzzes and I glare down at it.
*Is tomorrow still ok for the zoo? Me and Rose?* from Luke.
*Of course :) What time are you coming?* I reply.
*Is 10 ok?"
*Ill check with Ashton.* I anxiously reply.
*Err ok then.*
I tear up and just want to be in Luke's arms, cuddling into him.
I hear the door open and I jump to my feet.
"Ash?" I call.
No reply.
"I'll be back in a minute baby, carry on eating" I smile at Rose.
She stuff chicken into her mouth and smiles.
I run up the stairs to the closed bedroom door.
"Ashton?" I ask as I push the door open.
I see Ashton thrusting into a skinny blonde girl.
"GET THE FUCK OUT!!" He screams and throws the bedside lamp at me.
I scream and burst into tears.
I shut the door and hear the moaning continue.
I run down the stairs to see Rose eating still.
"Why are you crying mumma?" She asks.
I shake my head and kiss her on her nose.
"It's okay Rose. Don't worry. Mumma is fine." I assure her.
She smiles at me and I pull her blonde hair into a bow.
Where will we go? What will we do?

At 7 I put Rose to bed before putting on my pyjamas.
I hear a knock on the door before Ashton enters.
"I'm sorry" he says through tears.
I pull him into a hug but he squirms out.
"If you hadn't annoyed me, I wouldn't of reacted like that" he says gently.
I don't think I did anything but I'm not going to argue... Maybe it is all my fault...
"Sorry" I burst into tears.
"Stop crying." He demands.
Wow he's suddenly changed.I wipe my eyes and snivel, hiding the sadness that hides inside me.
"I'm horny" he says and takes off his clothes.
"I'm not" I reply and get into bed.
He grabs me and pulls me out of bed.
"We are going to fuck" he snarls.
I shake and nod.
"Sorry Ashton" I mutter.
He rips off my clothes before kissing me roughly. I don't kiss back. I don't want to. I just lay there and take it.
"Kiss me back. NOW." Ashton demands.
"Sorry" I mutter and he lowers his lips to mine again.
We kiss roughly- well he does. I'm half heartedly doing it.
He slams into me and thrusts hard.
"Dirty slut" he says through moans.
I hold back the tears of pain and sadness still and look away from him.
Eventually he cums and rolls off me.
I stay laying down, staring at the ceiling and holding back my tears.
"Fucking dirty little skank." He whispers before going to sleep.
I stand up and go into the bathroom where I glare at myself.
I feel disgusting... I feel dirty.
I need to clean myself.
I get in the shower and turn it to the hottest setting. The hot water burns my skin and I wince as it hits me.
As I step out, I feel no cleaner. Shower gel can't clean me.
Nothing can properly clean me.
Bleach. Bleach is known to make things clean...
I run down the stairs and grab the bleach. I stare at the pink bottle and imagine drinking it, straight down. No regrets, no thoughts, just a sweet escape from this life I live...
I unscrew the lid before going back upstairs and running a bath. As I step into the boiling water I imagine leaving Rose, what would she do without me? I wish I'd never cheated on Luke... I wish I was beside him.
I pour the bleach over my skin and scrub rough. The liquid burns and irritates my skin but I can feel myself being cleansed. I continue scrubbing rough until my body burns and stings and is bright red, some skin peeling.
I rinse the bleach off and step out the shower. Finally clean.
I change into my pyjamas and shudder as I get into bed with Ashton.
As I drift off to sleep, I wriggle to the edge of the bed and I hoping I won't wake up tomorrow morning.

"Get up whore" Ashton growls in my ear.
I shoot up and stare at him.
"WHY ARE TOU RED?!" He barks at me.
I shy away from him and wipe my eyes.
"Oh... It must be sunburn or something. I don't know." I stutter.
He grabs my shoulder and I wince in pain. My shoulder burns and his fingers dig into the skin.
"Fucking stupid bitch. You're lying." He says and slaps my face.
"I'm not!! I'm sorry" I protest as he repeatedly hits me.
"SHUT UP" he shouts and pulls me off the bed.
He throws me into the corner and I stare up at me as he towers over me.
He begins to kick me in the stomach and everywhere. I pant for breath as he winds me.
He punches my face, definitely giving me a black eye.
I cry as he throws the other bed side lamp at my head.
It hits me and causes my head to smack against the wall.
I cry out in pain and hold my head.
"P-Please stop" I beg.
He punches me in the lip once more and it brakes.
"Fucking whore. I expect a roast again for when I get home" he snarls as he walks out the room.
I cry and wipe the blood from my lip.
As the front door slams, I exhale, trying to calm myself down.
"Mummy, what time?" I hear Rose asks.
I jump up and act as if I'm ok. I can't let my daughter see me like this.
She gasps as she sees me.
"Mumma is ok. We best get you ready, daddy will be here soon." I stutter.
She smiles at me and I change her into her black skinny jeans, her cream rabbit tshirt and her black vans. I pull her hair back into a bow and smile at her.
She hugs me and I kiss her cheek.
Shit I didn't tell Luke a time for today.
I rapidly search for my phone but it's nowhere to be seen.
I open the bedside drawer and find a note inside.
-Looking for something? Maybe your phone? I have it, we don't want you going anywhere do we? Ashton.-
I cry before changing into a hoodie and jeans and getting myself ready.
I run out with Rose to find the car still in the drive.
Thank god. I can escape. There's still time.
I put Rose in the front seat although there is no child's car seat for her and strap her in.
"You need to be really good for me ok?" I smile at her, hiding my tears and panic.
She smiles and nods.
I run to the other side and immediately start the car.
I drive to Luke's house an grab Rose before slamming on the door.
"Eliza?" Luke asks, taking Rose from me.
"Protect her? Please." I cry.
He invites me inside but I deny his offer.
"Just take care of her. I'll bring her stuff round soon. It's not safe at home." I cry and shake my head.
"Please Eliza tell me what's going on" Luke says, almost in tears.

"I can't." I say before leaving.

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