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"MUMMY!" Rose screeches.
I open my eyes and glare at her before clearing my eyes.
Being in a plane for so long sucks.
"Yes Rose?" I ask.
"I want food!!" She whines.
"Urgh what's happening?" Luke rasps and sits up.
I laugh slightly and put my head on his shoulder.
"Rose wants food" I say.
He groans.
"Can you wait for a bit?" Luke asks.
She shakes her head.
"Luke, she's a toddler. She can't wait for food?" I hum.
"FOOD!!" Rose begins to cry.
An old couple a couple of seats across glare at us with evil eyes as Rose screams.
I hush her but she doesn't stop.
"Can you please keep your child quiet?" The old woman nags.
I roll my eyes.
"Well I'm trying." I say and try to rock her.
"IM HUNGRY!!" Rose screams.
She squirms around in my arms for a while.
"Please keep her quiet!! We are trying to sleep!" The old man says.
I grit my teeth.
"I'm bloody well trying. There's an hour left on this flight. I'm sure you'll be ok." I hiss at him.
Luke takes Rose and kisses her head gently as he hums a sweet, calming nursery rhyme.
The old couple roll their eyes before settling back down.
I sit back in my seat and stare at Rose, finally asleep in Luke's arms.
"Thank god" I whisper.
"We'll be in England soon" Luke smiles.
"I can't wait to see mum" I grin.
He smiles slightly before moving Rose so he can cuddle me.
"I love you so much. You saved my life..." Luke whispers.
"And you saved mine." I reply and kiss his cheek.

When the plane finally lands, Luke grabs the luggage before we get the taxi to my home.
Rose is still asleep, no one is waking her up.
"I can't believe it! I haven't been here for so long Luke..." I hum as I stare out the taxi window.
"It's really beautiful here... Still." Luke adds.
"Are we visiting your dad?" I ask.
He smiles slightly and bites his lip ring.
"I guess. Although he doesn't know about Rose." He whispers and begins to nibble my ear.
I giggle slightly but allow him to continue.
"Are we telling anyone about the shooting...?" I whisper, making sure the driver can't here.
"No. Definitely not." Luke says.
I nod and we lock lips.
"So, you two on honeymoon then?" The cockney driver pipes up.
I laugh uneasily.
"Oh no, ummmm we just wanted to ummmm" I begin to panic.
I can't say we are running away because we've just KILLED someone.
"The in-laws wanted to see little Rose." Luke lies.
I nod and smile.
The driver nods and smiles. He seems friendly enough.
I stare out the window again to see we are in the street!!
"Here we are" the driver says and pulls up outside mums house.
I grin and thank him before gently picking up Rose.
We pay the driver and Luke grabs our suitcases.
We walk up the drive and I can't help but love the cool breeze in the English summer. God have I missed this.
I ring the doorbell and I hear someone hurrying around inside.
The door opens and mum stands in her normal attire.
Her jaw drops and her eyes widen.
"OH MY GOD!! ELIZABETH!!" She squeals.
Rose blinks open and whines slightly before snuggling back into my neck.
"Mummy!!" I squeal and cuddle into her.
"Hi Ms Moran" Luke smiles.
She nods at him, still annoyed with him.
We go inside and I place Rose on the sofa.
"If you drop the bags here, we can sit outside." She smiles.
I smile at her and follow her outside, leaving Luke to sort out the bags.
"So what brings you to England then darling?" Mum asks.
Wow I've missed the English accent!!
"Ummm well it's a long story." I start.
She glares at me.
"What's happened?" She asks.
"Ummmm nothing." I lie.
She raises an eyebrow.
"Hmmm." She nods.
Luke sits beside me and takes my hand.
"Rose has grown hasn't she?" Mum says, changing the conversation.
"Haha yeah! Well, we are hoping to move back here so you'll be seeing a lot more of her" I smile.
Luke smiles slightly, I can tell he's nervous.
"Do you want a drink honey?" She asks me.
"Yes please mum, lemonade please" I smile.
She nods.
"And you?" She says blandly at Luke.
"Oh um lemonade if that's ok" Luke says.
She rolls her eyes and storms off to the kitchen.
"Jesus your mum is scary." Luke whispers.
I laugh.
"No, you're just a pussy." I laugh.
He jokingly punches my arm and I burst into fits of laughter.
"Hey, I saved your life!" He whines.
"And I saved yours!! I killed someone!!" I remind him.
I hear a glass smash behind me.
I spin around to see mum, eyes wide and jaw dropped.
"What the fuck Elizabeth Rosie Moran?!" She hisses and grabs my arm.
I wince in pain.
"Let me explain!!" I beg.
She lets go of me and locks her jaw.
"This better be a good excuse Elizabeth." She warns.
"Look, after Luke and I spilt, I began dating Ashton. You remember him, right?-" she nods "yeah, and after a while, he began to hit me and abuse me... It wasn't nice mum-" I begin to cry and she pulls me into a hug. "Then one night, he tried to strangle me but luckily Luke saved me. He pulled me away and got me to the hospital immediately... That's the reason I'm still alive. Luke's the reason. I had to repay him somehow... We were going to come to England anyway but Rose needed her pink rabbit so Luke went home to get it... He said it wasn't safe-" I cry and mum hugs me tighter. She strokes my hair gently as I continue. "It was taking too long so I ran in to find Ashton attempting to kill Luke with Michael... I've always had the handgun in the car. Always. So I shot him... I shot him mum" I cry.
She continues stroking my hair before pulling away.
I cover my eyes and snivel.
"Although I don't justify your actions, you were defending yourself." She says and kisses my head.
I cry harder as she pries my hands from my face.
"I'm sorry mum" I cry.
She plays with my hair gently and hugs me tight.
"Aw baby girl. My grown up baby girl." She whispers.
"Mummy I want to leave this cruel world" I cry.
"But baby girl, we have to live on. We have to accept our actions and love ourselves and certain people around us. OWN IT HONEY! YOU SHOT A DUDE!" She squeals.
Why is she excited?
"M-Mum why are you excited?" I snivel.
"I did the same. When I was 16... A man attempted to rape me so I pulled my handgun and BANG! I shot him." She elaborates.
I can't help but giggle.
"Anyway, get yourselves settled in. Tomorrow, I'm taking Rose out." She smiles.

I roll my eyes and laugh. I'm finally home

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