Part 26//If pains a sound, lets slow it down.

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Kat's pov

Pain shot through my legs. I stopped running are realized that I was at the tree house.
I went up the ladder and in the door. The place was the same
I sat in the middle of the treehouse. The blood from my last break down was still stained in to the wood. Me and Marti's names were still carved into a wall. One of Mitch's shirts was still here. It was the one he used to wrap my cuts in. I grabbed it and held it close.
Behind the smell of blood, I smelled him. Mitch.
He lied to me. He said I was perfect and said I didn't need to change. He said that the twins could never be as beautiful as me, but they were just beautiful enough for him to kiss one of them. I'm not even mad anymore. I knew this would happen. My head told me that this would happen

I remembered my stash of blades that I hid from my mom, when I lived with her.
I hid them in a piece of wood from the floor that would come of. I crawled to my stash and lifted the wood. 17 perfectly sorted blades lay in front of me. I grabbed one.

I rolled up my hoodie sleeve and sliced. Warm blood seeped from my skin. Its as if my blade had a mind of its own. It danced on my skin. I went deeper than ever before. Blood rushed out, faster, and faster.
Mitch's voice rang in my ears. "Your perfect." "Beautiful." "Gorgeous."
I carved the letters P-E-R-F-E-C-T into my arm. I didn't even realize I did it.
I looked over and saw the rope still tied to the tree next to the tree house. "All of my pain will be gone." I whispered. I took a step toward it. "DO IT!" My mind said. I walked closer and closer. "No one will care.." My mind says louder. "Mitch... Doesn't... Love you.." That last thought made me do it. Before that I cut deeper in my arm making red spilled out. I put it on my hands and rubbed the words, "I QUIT." On the wall.
I grabbed a chair from the table. I stood on the chair and started tying the rope around my neck.

I took a step forward.

Mitch's pov

I ran outside screaming Kat's name. "You killed her! You killed her!" Jerome's words got stuck in my head. I ran to the tree house. She might be there. I approached the treehouse and saw something that shredded my heart
"STOP!" I screamed.
It was too late.
Her body hung loosely.
I've never cried so hard in my life.
I ran up the ladder and flung the door open. I was greeted by a wall of blood.
The words read, "I QUIT." My heart melted.
I ran over to her, untied the knot, and held her. I cried into her chest.
I looked over to see the word,

"Perfect" carved into her wrist.

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