Part 20//Rising

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Kat's pov
I stood there in shock as Marti said, "hey guys!"
Mitch had to shake me to make sure I was ok. "Um, you ok?" She said standing up. I ran to her at full speed and tackled her to the ground with tears of joy in my eyes. "Oh my god! YOURE ALIVE! Oh my god. You're ok, you're not slowly rotting away!" I said hugging her. "Um why would I be rotting away?" She said looking confused.
"Y-you don't remember your infected leg? You passed out and never woke up for like 4 weeks!" "Oh." She said still looking confused. "Where's Jerome? He has to see you! He will flip out!" "I dont know where he is." My jaw dropped, "are you kidding me! I see him! He's on the balcony!" I said to her. "Oh, oops."
She runs outside and hugs Jerome. He stands in shock and tears fall from his eyes. He hugs her back tightly and says, "Marti, is that really you?" "Yup." She replied as she pulled away from the hug. Jerome pulled her in and kissed her a million times.
Mitch and I walked back inside. "I can't believe it!" I say hugging Mitch. "Me neither." He says.
After an hour or two everyone was inside just talking. I stood up and said, " Hey, um, guys? I was thinking, maybe we should move out of this treehouse and find a real house... You know with actual beds and comfy furniture?" Everyone paused. "I'm down with it." Marti says standing up. "Yeah sure, sleeping on mats hurts my back." Jerome said while stretching. "I'm game." Mitch said while putting his hands around my waist.
"When should we leave?" Marti asks. "We'll probably tomorrow if we start packing now." Jerome said smiling. "Yeah!" I said throwing my hands up. "Oh and, here's your hoodie. I've been wearing it a lot lately." I say handing it to Marti. "Haha no problem." She said.
I noticed her looking at my recent cuts, I quickly put my own hoodie on. She looked away.
"Well, I'm going to beeddddd." Marti said yawning. I'll come with Jerome whispered in her ear. "YEAH BUDDY!" Mitch yelled as Marti and Jerome walked off.
As I lay down Mitch put his arm around me. "Today was crazy." I say looking at the ceiling and then at him. "Yeah it was." He kissed my lips and then my wrists one last time.

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