Part 13//Bear Trap

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Mitch's pov
As we start walking towards the camp an awkward silence falls over us. I look over to see Marti and Jerome holding hands. Kat is beside me, I reach my hand out gesturing for her to grab it. It takes her a minute to realize what I was doing but she then grabs my hand.
We see the glow of the fire and quietly run towards it. No one was outside that we could see so we walked into the camp. Kat runs over to the cans of food taking half of the stack in her bag. As we walk out Marti yells. Her foot caught in a bear trap. We hear tents unzipping. Jerome picks her up bridal style and he starts running. Kat and I were spotted and they chased us through the forest. Kat climbed a tree surprising fast and she vanished into the leaves and branches.
I however dove into a large bush. Not knowing it was a rose bush, I felt tiny thorns impaled my skin. I bit my lip trying not to scream in pain. I kept quiet, I heard the people from the camp walk away. I waited for a minute before calling out, "Kat!? Are you ok?" She said," yeah, where are you?". I heard her jump down from the tree and walk toward me. I popped out of the bush making her jump. "You ass hat! You scared me!" I laughed and then remembered all of the thorns.
Kat saw them and placed my arm around her shoulders as we walked back to the tree house. When we got up the ladder we were greeted by a screaming Marti. Jerome was trying to get the bear trap off of Marti's foot. She was biting down on a piece of her shirt. Jerome finally got the trap off. Luckily, her foot wasn't broken just badly bruised.

Kat's Pov

I smiled and reached into my bag. Pulling out 23 cans of food. I opened one up and ate the peaches inside. "Omg this is amazing." I let out. Sharing with everyone else we ate peaches and look to the stars. We made it. I started pulling out all of the thorns in Mitch's skin. After that I lay my head on his chest and slowly fell asleep.

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