PART 5; Chapter 39: Dance With Me Tonight

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(So there are only three more chapters left. Here is how they will be. I will be typing the three big main events that happen. This one as you may know is prom. The other two are a secret. But I'm just naming the three big events. That's why there will be a character ask, after the book is done, cause I bet you all will have a fuckload of questions. Also, I might make today a double  update . I dunno yet though.)

Luke's pov

*2 years later*

These past two years, have had to be the best of my life.

I was out the  hospital  now.

It took tons of therapy, tons of help, but I made it.

All my friends were there to support me.

And of course, my boyfriend Calum.

It feels so good to say that  word .




Our first date he took me to a penguin park.

And damn, I have a f.uckload of penguin things now.

Mashton are getting pretty serious, talking about getting kids already, and getting married, and moving to  America .

Angail, well, they've been  dealing  with Samuel, who is now talking a little, and his first word was, Mashton.

Don't point fingers at me.

Never mind go ahead.

As for Demi, we did plan her a nice funeral.

Jason still has yet to be caught.

Kian is in jail, for r.aping a 14 year-old.

I stretched my arms, and blinked my eyes.

Most of my nights were spent at Calum's house, but some at my new house too, with Michael.

I stood up, only in my boxers, and gazed at Calum, who was staring at my ass.

"Off limits mister. Last night,  your  hands roamed."

"Not my fault. I was cuddling you I swear, and my hands had other ideas!"

"Your hands are some thirsty things!"

Despite being Asexual or Grey-Asexual, (honestly with Calum, I question my sexuality a lot), I really desire to make out with Calum.

"You know what tonight is right, King?"

"Yup. Its prom, and I'm taking my prince. Who are you taking?"

"I was thinking  Dora . She can curse all them hoes out in Spanish."

Calum shook his head, and got up. We were at Michael's- I mean my mom's house.

That would take some getting used to.

When Calum got up, he was completely naked.

"Oh my eyes! My eyes! Shield them!" I screamed, and put my hands over my eyes.

"No Lukey, come back. The hoodzilla wants to play with you!"

"I don't wanna play with that, thing!"

Calum chased me around my new  room , and Michael opened the door.

"What's all the n-"

He stopped, when he saw Calum naked, and his arms around my waist.

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Where stories live. Discover now