Chapter 15: Our Help?

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"Sometimes, when Luke ships me and Ashton really hard, I wanna bitch slap him, but decide not to, because there is no way, for someone to beat the power of a fangirl, or boy."


Luke's pov

It was now Saturday, and I was currently with Calum playing call of duty. Mr. and Mrs. Hood were there, so I tried to watch my language, but failed.

"Fuck! I killed you! This game is rigged! Its racist against asexuals! Or is it your TV? Fuck it all!" I said, throwing the control onto the couch, and going into the kitchen. I still found it kinda odd, how Calum called me beautiful, yesterday.

However, I didn't question it. He might have just been in the moment. Besides, I'm not even beautiful.

I'm sexy.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door, and Mashton was there. They were awkwardly holding hands, until I realized they were doing the little bet.

"Okay, its been three minutes," Michael said.

They stepped into the house, and Mr. Hood eyed them.

"Calum! You made more friends! Good job! Your mother is gonna love to tell them more embarrassing stories about you when you were a baby."

"You should tell the poop and pudding one!" I suggested. Calum hit me in the back of the head, and I did a fake sniffle.

He gave me a hug, and bent down so I could get on his back.

"So what's up? You guys are free today. Why come here?" Calum asked.

"Well, one something happened, and we need to tell you two, because well, I mean, maybe you can explain it to us. And we're ready to tell you the story of what me and Ashton kinda had in the past."

Me and Calum's eyes lit up. Calum yanked them in, slammed the door shut, and rushed up the stairs. The two of them struggled to get up the stairs, and they soon got into Calum's room.

I dove onto Calum's bed, and he grabbed my waist, placing me in his lap, then wrapped his arms around me.

He was straddling me again, and it was a nice feeling.

Wait what?

I shook my head, and focused on Mashton.

"Well, what the fuck happened yesterday?"I asked, leaning in forward.

Michael twiddled his thumbs, and stared at the ground.

"Well after.. Ashton took me to the nurse, we sorta kinda kissed on the cheek?"

I nearly sprang up, but Calum had his arms around me, so it was more, my arms waving in the air.


Calum was freaking out too, smiling so wide.

"Yeah... I don't know what... uh.. came over me. I meant it in a friendly way.. not a relationship way.. like how you can Calum kinda are. You guys are really good friends.

"We indeed are the best of friends."

Calum cringed at the word friends again. What was his problem with that word?

"So, what's the problem? This seems fucking amazing!" I said, happily.

"Well.. it started off as a kiss, then.. we kinda cuddled in the nurse's office? Not like, in a relationship way again, it just sorta kinda happened. You two being shippers, what does this mean?"

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Where stories live. Discover now