Chapter 18: Feelulance!

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(The title says it all basically. All you hardcore Mashton shippers, have the feelulance on speed dial, and chapter 20, you might just die, just saying. Also the Mashton video will be up later, its almost finished. )

"Ashton has been looking more attractive lately. Kind I mean what!"


Luke's pov

I was laying on Calum's chest, and his arms were wrapped around my waist. I was getting used to him holding me like this, and that kind of scared me, but it felt.. kind of nice in a way. I yawned, and my eyes opened slowly as I heard a creak.

Michael and Ashton had stayed the night at my house yesterday. Then I saw them sneaking out the door. It was about eight am.

"Hey! Mashton, where the fuck you going?"

"Luke shh, you might wake Calum up!" Michael spat.

"Calum! Help! Michael and Ashton are trying to hurt me!" I yelled.

Calum was up like a light, and darted over to them, slamming the door closed.

"Why did you hurt him? Fuck off! What did they do Lu Lu?"

"Calum, you can't call me that in front of them," I said, trying to hide the blush on my face.

"Yeah, cute Cake moment, but we gotta go.." Michael said, giving Ashton a little look, and Ashton chuckled.

"Where the fuck are you going? We are the head masters, of the Mashton. Tell us!" Calum demanded.

Michael scratched the back of his head. "We had just planned to go to the arcade."

Ashton turned to him. "What about Abigail isn't she going?"

"No, she's been hanging out with this girl named Anastasia lately. Like, all the time. But, yeah, we are just gonna go to the arcade now, just me and Ash."

I shrugged. "Well, have fun."

All three of them looked shocked.

"Just like that? No spying, no saying, oh my god the feels, none of that!" Ashton said.

"No. Its just two friends going out, having some fun. Be off now."

They still looked pretty shocked, but then left.

"Wow Lu Lu-"

"Don't call me that! It makes me blush!"

"Fine! Anyway, you're just gonna let them off like that?"


"Are you serious?"

"No you dickhead. This is Mashton! They wanna go to the arcade together, alone! You think I'm missing this! Let's go!"

"Luke, don't you wanna get dressed?"

I turned on the light, and I was fully dressed already, with my IPhone in my pocket, and Doritos on my desk.

"Bitch, I heard them talking last night about this. I was prepared."

Calum just blinked, and went to get dressed.


"Okay, so what's the plan again?"

"Oh my god, lord Jesus help this kid, he has memory loss at such a young age."

"Lu Lu!"

"Stop that Calvin!"

"What was that?" Ashton asked.

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang