Character Answers

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*Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton, Abigail, Kian and Demi walk down long hallway*

*Abigail clings onto Michael*

Luke: Abigail! Can you just not suffocate Michael's arm right now! Like god damn!

Abigail: Sorry, he's just so attractive.

*Michael and Abigail kiss*

*Calum and Luke gag*

*Ashton shrugs*

*All enter room*

Ashton: Wow! So this is where we answer questions? Whose first?

*Kian's name appears on screen*



1. wait, who tf is this? lol bruh, i forgot who the hell you is.

Kian: I am the best person you will ever meet. *throws up middle finger*

2. Who are you I forgot?

Kian: I am your mom bitch.

3. *middle finger emoji*

Kian: *shoves middle finger emoji up your ass*

*Screen changes, Abigail's name comes up. Kian leaves, Abigail enters, locks the door*


1. bruh, like, you seem cool. *opens arms* *wiggles eyebrows* I'm free though *winks*

Abigail: I'm flattered. But I'm with Mikey! Sorry babe!

2. So, you should leave Michael, cos in case you didn't know, you're being a cockblock :) thank you.

Abigail: A cockblock?! Oh my god! That is the worst thing someone could be? Who am I being a cockblock to? My Michael? No no, but if I am, just say the word, and I'll stop being a cockblock.

*Luke pouts outside door, opens mouth to yell, but Michael slaps hand over his mouth*

3. not a question but, you should dump michael.

Abigail: I could never do that! I love him too much!

4. I'll say this in the nicest way possible."can you please fuck off, please with cherry on top, mashton needs to happen :)"

Abigail: Your definition of nice, and mine are very different. No, I will not fuck off, whatever you mean by that. And are you on your period? Your acting like a bitch. Sorry hon.

5. You ship mashton right?

Abigail: Isn't that my Mikey, and his friend Ashton? I mean in a friendship way of course I ship them. But I ship Migail more.

*Calum and Luke both make fake barfing sounds*

6. So you do know you're a beard right?

FYI you're right Micheal does suck

Ashtons dick.


Abigail: I've known Michael did suck dick. He is bisexual. Ashton's dick? Hmm, well, I mean maybe he might've in the past, but what do I know. And no babe, not Mashton Migail. :)

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