Chapter 19: WTF CAKE

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(The title says it all)

"Okay fine fine fine. I'll admit it. I SLEPT WITH CALUM'S SHIRT ON, CAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL SAFE!"


Luke's pov

I dragged Calum over to the claw machine, which was huge.

"Luke, seriously, do I have to to do t-" He suddenly stopped talking as we saw these two girls making out at the claw machine.

Abigail, and some random girl.

Me and Calum gasped, but they soon left, but I heard Abigail.

"I'll dump him Ana. Calm down. I don't even want him. I want you."

Abigail walked away.

"Oh see! See! I told everyone she was a bitch, and everyone said, no its because you ship Mashton, no, you're just saying that, and look!" I screamed.

"Yeah, we need to go tell them," Calum said, avoiding my gaze.

"Haha, no. Get your big ass on the stool! I'll remember to tell them later."

Calum pouted, and I dashed away to get coins. I put about fifty dollars in the coin converter thing, and got a huge cup. Calum was gonna need this. Suddenly, I saw this guy. He looked my age, slightly older though.

My heart beat fast.

Considering what happened last time, I don't wanna take chances.

"Hey, want me to get you another cup? You got a lot of coins there."

I let out a breath.

Okay maybe he was safe to be around.

"Um... sure?"I said.

The guy got a cup, and "accidentally" touched my hand, grinning. The end of his hair was green, and he looked to be emo. Why the fuck did he look so familiar?

I shrugged, and skipped back over to Calum, who pretended to choke himself, because he had to play the game.

"Hey Calum! This dude helped me get the coins! Thanks stranger! What's your name."

"Hmm, its Jerry, but it should be your future husband," he said winking.

I blushed a little, even though I shouldn't be. I mean come on, who wouldn't blush at that.

Calum leaped out the seat, and wrapped his arms around my waist, and gave a kiss to my cheek.

"Fuck off. He's mine!"

Jerry clenched his fists, and it was just something about him, that.. well.. was too familiar, but why couldn't I put my finger on it.

"Hmm, well bye Luke."

The fuck?

How did he know my name?

"Calum you can let me go."

"You are mine."

"Not yet," I whispered. What the hell was I even saying?

Just no.

Calum let me go, but yanked another chair over so I could stay right by him. He slid in a coin, and went for the penguin. He manged to get the arm, but the claw machine dropped the arm, and went back.

"All these games do is take your god damn money! Luke, this is useless! Don't make me do this."

"Oh Jerry-" Calum cut me off by slapping his hand over my mouth, and trying again.

"I ship it!"(Mashton/Cake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora