Chapter 14: This isn't a musical

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(This is like the cakeist chapter ever by far, the next one, will have lots more Mashton, be ready!)

"Basic and Irrelevant bitches listen up. Just.. um...



Luke's pov

(Let's just say its Friday rn, because I forgot what day it was in the story)

"Wake up! Luke wake up!"

I didn't respond, just flipped over.

Calum then lifted me up, and spun me around.

"Don't do that! I'm still half-dead!"

"No, don't die! I would cry!" Calum said, making little sad eyes.

I gave him a hug, and a little kiss on the forehead, and his face turned a bright red.

"I'm gonna go take a um... shower!" Calum said, stuttering.

Okay, that was weird. The shower turned on, and that's when I realized I left my shirt in there! I raced into the bathroom, and saw a buttnaked Calum.

"Nice ass Calum!" I said, right behind his ear. He flinched, and wrapped the towel around his body.

"God, you scared me! What if you saw my dick?"

"Is it big?"

"Is yours big?"

We both burst out laughing, and I grabbed my shirt, and went to Demi's bathroom. She had decided to go to school early, to meet with her new boyfriend.

I stepped into her bathroom, and she the words "REVENGE" written in black sharpie on her mirror. Well damn, okay then. I stepped into the shower, and started washing my body, just thinking of Calum.

No not in a dirty way, just that he's a good friend. So are Ashton and Michael, they're my best friends for life, but with Calum, its like, well, I can't really put my finger on it, but there is something about him, that just makes me smile sometimes. He's a nice person, and Demi was so rude to dump him.

He'll find another guy or girl before I know it. Hopefully, he won't forget about me though.

I scrubbed my hair, and thought about everything. Calum and I had only gotten into about two fights our entire friendship, and it was over my family. I then thought about how Michael was like an actual brother to me, and then Ashton, he was like a younger brother I've always wanted, and has a bit of sass.

I smiled big and wide, and gracefully(horribly) jumped out the shower. I got dressed quickly, put my lip piercing in, and threw on my glasses, too lazy to bother with contacts today.

Calum seemed to be done showering as well, but then I peeked in my room, and caught him jacking off, whispering someone's name. This was really fucked up that I was watching this.

He then got up, and put on some underwear, pants, sandals and a shirt. He had a big dick. I shall call it hoodzilla, maybe a better name later.

"Hey Calum!" I screamed, and he fell back onto my bed, and turned pale.

"God Luke! You scare me way too much!"

"I feel like singing! And no, not in a high school musical way!" I said.

"Well, you are a pretty good singer," Calum replied.

I smiled at that, and he lifted me up onto his back, and I had out backpacks, which were light as fuck.

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